The beer stunts are embarrassing – IOTW Report

The beer stunts are embarrassing

Patriot Retort-

Can we please get elderly Democrat Senators to stop with the staged beer stunts?

It is truly the most embarrassing thing since Hillary Clinton danced on Ellen.

Chuck Schumer is the latest to try the “Look at me, I’m just like you! I drink beer!” stunt.

Did Elizabeth Warren’s catastrophically bad “I’m gonna get me a beer” moment teach these people nothing?

Are all Democrats born without the embarrassment gene? more

25 Comments on The beer stunts are embarrassing

  1. …you have to be self-aware to be able to get embarrassed.

    Democrats believe they can do no wrong, and no one has ever dared tell them otherwise.

    …so no, they DON’T realize they should be embarrassed.

    And after all, why SHOULD they?

    …we can call them fools if we like, but at the end of the day they’re fools who are the boss of US…

  2. A guy on the interwens the other day made an astute observation, that really stupid people don’t realize they are stupid, whereas smart people realize their own limitations.

  3. Well I can’t speak for the plant based beer, I only drink blood and meat derived beverages. Really enjoy knocking back a nice steak smoothie or a bacon grease colada. And you can’t beat a zesty burgerita with a nice montreal steak seasoning rimmed glass. Schumer is a putz. Plant based beer. Wtf.

  4. Reports of Hillary drowning were premature when it wuz reported thar she wuz found face down on Ricky Lake…

    Aaaaannnnd…DemocRATz are born without Shame glands.

  5. I had a photographer friend back in the 1980’s who had a contract with the Washington State Democrat Party, moron politicians would show up for a staged photo opp with their kids and wife wearing Bermuda shorts and black socks all the time.


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