Harvard pride David Hogg ‘does the math’ to prove billionaires don’t work hard – IOTW Report

Harvard pride David Hogg ‘does the math’ to prove billionaires don’t work hard

What a dunce.

Leftists are so envious of other people’s money and lifestyle they send out tweets that make little sense.

They want the good life, but don’t know how to get it. So they want the government to confiscate wealth from the earners and sprinkle it around to, I don’t know, failed Pillow Company CEOs.

What this tweet reveals is that this skinny shithead thinks that you should get rich working minimum wage. LOL.

Why else “do the math” and imply that billionaires have anything in common with minimum wage earners? They don’t. For the most part they assume risk, have ideas and products that the masses are interested in, and, yes, have went for the brass ring. Minimum wage earners usually haven’t went for the “class ring.”

38 Comments on Harvard pride David Hogg ‘does the math’ to prove billionaires don’t work hard

  1. Hogg you stupid Dickhead! Seriously… this is his logic???
    Minimum wage was never intended as a lifetime income or for raising families and living on. It’s a starting point and that’s all!

  2. Nice to see him take a break from being spit-roasted at the LGBTQVHBHJFYTDERWFLIUGLUYOBJBLHFTDJRSREWUIUGVHJC mixer, with an opinion no one gives a 💩 about. 🙄

  3. It’s true billionaires don’t work hard because once they become billionaires they don’t have to work hard. It’s BECOMING a billionaire that takes all the work. Sheesh – – am I the only person around here with a brain?

  4. A very, very, very long time ago I while waiting for my draft notice I hired on at the local McDonald’s. The starting minimum wage let the McD’s manager find out if I was a worthwhile hire or not without him investing more money than he had to.

    It turned out I was indeed worthwhile. I showed up on time, followed instructions, admitted my mistakes (and didn’t make them a second time), and could be relied on to do what I said I would do.

    I got four raises in three months, and the keys to the place so I could come in — alone — at zero-dark-thirty to start prepping for the lunch rush (no breakfast that long ago).

    Two other guys hired on a little after I started. One was an irresponsible jerk and was fired before two weeks were up. The other had an experience similar to my own.

    I didn’t stay with fast food (hooray!) and ended up involved with high-end information systems.

    All this is leading up to a discovery I made some years after my McDonald’s stint. I added up all the taxes I paid one year: income tax, sales tax, property tax, FICA tax, gasoline tax, liquor tax, etc., did some quick mental arithmetic, and found that I was paying taxes at the same minimum wage per hour that I was earning before at McD’s, but I was paying it 24 hours/day, seven days/week, 365 days/year. Day and night, no sleep, no breaks, no nothing.

    I never made it to billionaire (!), but it just goes to show that @TRF is exactly right: min wage it is a starting point and can lead to greater things.

  5. Billy, you are right. I’m busting my ass scratching all these lottery tickets, but when I win I am going to treat myself to a well deserved rest.

  6. Meaningless words just seem to fall out of his empty head. This fool knows nothing, and he understands less. He’s no more than a propaganda pusher and a bad one at that.

  7. What’s funny about the pillow thing is that Hogg only started it because he despises Mike Lindell, then he basically asked for others to create and build the entire thing, as if he had done something of value by simply saying ‘I want a pillow company to compete with MyPillow’.
    As Bugs would say: ‘What a maroon! What a nincompoop!’

  8. Okay, I answered my own question. Hogg makes his money by being a professional activist–one hundred grand per year. Who in the world would pay this ignorant, foolish boy $100,000 a year to day anything, let alone political activism?

  9. How to make the best of what you got: Get a job that pays the bills, then in your spare time do something else – another job, start some kind of business. If your 2nd thing makes money, pour it back into the business (no new car, no flash money) and keep going. Soon, you will be in some serious business project and can borrow from a bank to expand that business. Keep pouring the profit back into your business and one day, you can quit your first job. You have made it.
    How to get ahead without begging for money from your friends or family is not easy.

  10. He could not even start the pillow business he promised with others doing all the work for him.
    This jackass is talking out of his backside again.

  11. So this idiot hasn’t realized noone gets rich working by the hour?? You get rich by coming up with an idea; being on the ground floor of a company; or starting your own business and offering better service then the comp.

    Do they teach basic economics at harvard?

  12. The significant thing about Marxists like this little red diaper doper baby is their infantalism.

    They need a nipple to suck their entire lives, cradle to grave to absolve them of the need to ever mature

    They are allergic to adversity and stress like this infantile prick with the intellectual maturity of a toddler.

    Chuck Schumer is the octogenarian version of this little brat.

  13. “47 years from now he’ll be a worthless, demented, federal tit-sucking parasite with zero accomplishments and a middle-aged, degenerate for a son!”

    And probably be selected Presidunce by Dominion.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. Uncle Al ʘ MAY 2, 2021 AT 8:29 PM
    “Apologies to ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS for encroaching on his long format comment turf! (-:”

    Long form? Well, its a start. But now I knonw a bit more about you and how YOUR personal story belies the conceit of the Hogg, so it was worth the trip, to me anyway…

    …and thanks for the shout-out, UA, if that’s what it was, but it’s mostly my fault. I don’t fit into 140 characters and I won’t even try. I think a LOT of the problems in the world is that we try to reduce genuinely complex issues to digestible sound bites, and the real issues of the world can’t be addressed that way. I am grateful to my hosts that they are tolerant of this, and will continue to do so until they tell me to stop, and I will respect their rules when they do.

    But as to the Hogg at hand…

    I started washing dishes for $2.95/hr when I was 14. Move forward 17 years, I could call myself a millionare. I had to learn one career, than another, work 14-16 hour days for 7 days a week, keep my skills high enough to get raises and keep my job, keep a civil tounge in my head enough to not blow up in a Human Resources minefield, keep my hands to myself for ditto, and sacrificed a LOT of personal time along the way, but I got there.

    But it wasn’t by KEEPING the minimum-wage job I STARTED with. That’s where Hogg’s “math” falls apart.

    NO ONE does.

    …I didn’t have a great start. My folks both worked in an era when it wasn’t cool for moms to do so, but they were working their way out of the West Virgina coal mines to give us a better life. I was the last of 4, so I had a hand-me-down life in some respects, but was spoiled in others. My dad worked real hard to make something of himself after his stint flying MATS transports to Korea and all over the Pac Rim for the Air Force, and my mom started voulenteering until she impressed someone well enought to parlay it into a job that ended as a Vice President of Human Resources for a well-known corporation, so if I learned nothing ELSE at home, I learned a work ethic.

    And that’s the key.

    I was nothing special. I didn’t graduate high school because I couldn’t pass gym and refused to complete it. No, not for that reason, more because I had a gym teacher who was far too interested in 14 year old skinny boys in the shower and I didn’t know how to tell anyone about it or deal with it and I liked working on cars anyway, so I jumped out to voc school the second I could and never went back for that credit. The details aren’t important and that guy’s long dead, and good riddance. DAMN good riddance.

    Told you I understand the pedo much better than I ever wanted to, and have some legit reasons to hate them with a burning implacable hate. This is one of them.

    I finished voc school (sans diploma), worked on cars for a deparment store, went back and got my GED and talked my way into a public college with it, which my folks financed. I then went to work running fire and also went to work with a DIFFERENT department store working on cars, then lucked into a good freind at THAT department store who went to work for a new start-up factory that was very thirsty for people and hired me on his word (because he knew from working with me that I worked my ASS off) even though I had NO factory experience and knew NOTHING about factory machenery, they took a chance and I learned OJT and took every opportunity including when I was standing around with a dumb expression when someone said “Wanna learn robot?”, so I did.

    Then the company went ESOP, and the shares were based on how much you earned, and since I was hourly I did real well there becasuse I had worked my way into several raises and RARELY went home except to sleep (I had dropped the fireman thing by then, didn’t pay enough), and they sold the company to a venture capitalist firm a few years later after we grew it from a 38 million dollar company to a 170 million dollar commpany, and my shares clocked in just over 1.1 million, over and above my income.

    Not bad for a high school dropout, nicht wahr?

    Government bumps in minimum wage meant nothing to me, because I was never AT minimum wage except for that very first job.

    And that’s where Hogg falls apart. He, like ALL loudmouth Democrats who know NOTHING about life and economics because they’ve never LIVED in any way but sponging and grifting, thinks all wages and prices are STATIC and that nothing ever changes unless GOVERNMENT changes it.

    But I’m here to tell you from MY life that it DOES, if you actually, you know, WORK.

    And I’m no body. There were a LOT of people here that got good payouts on that too, but they had to put in the hours, and many people did BETTER than me because they worked earlier or harder or longer than me, and were rewarded accordingly.

    Not saying capitalism is perfect. I’m sure some salary guys did WAY better than me without as much work. Connections and executive privliedge do exist after all, and it’s not surprising that people running things set it up so they get more. I don’t always agree with it, but I remember what a former boss said.

    Talking about the early stages of the ESOP (Employee Stock Option Plan), he said, “I don’t care if someone makes 10 million on their way to making me a million”

    …and there’s something TO that.

    Something the Hoggs of this world will NEVER understand.

    Along with the fact that economics is NOT a zero-sum game. Me getting more doesn’t mean you get less. It’s not a pie that my big wedge means your wedge is little.

    Because the pie grows if you WORK at it, and your SHARE of the pie can grow if you work at it, TOO.

    …Maybe Hogg should try running a business or someth…what? Pillows? He did WHAT with pillows? REALLY?

    …never mind.

    …some guys never learn…

  15. “Hogg Boy” reduces the IQ of his Harvard class every time he speaks. His stupidity is already legendary and he is still in college a very long career awaits him leading to amazing awards for being a clueless clown.


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