San Francisco Gate Approves Disneyland’s Redesign Of Snow White, Except… – IOTW Report

San Francisco Gate Approves Disneyland’s Redesign Of Snow White, Except…

San Francisco Gate

The new ride includes a more comprehensive storyline — but that’s also the problem. The new grand finale of Snow White’s Enchanted Wish is the moment when the Prince finds Snow White asleep under the Evil Queen’s spell and gives her “true love’s kiss” to release her from the enchantment. A kiss he gives to her without her consent, while she’s asleep, which cannot possibly be true love if only one person knows it’s happening. 

Haven’t we already agreed that consent in early Disney movies is a major issue? That teaching kids that kissing, when it hasn’t been established if both parties are willing to engage, is not OK? More

20 Comments on San Francisco Gate Approves Disneyland’s Redesign Of Snow White, Except…

  1. The Prince walks in and shes doing a gangbang because its her choice as an independent and powerful woman.

    He waits for the team to finish, gets down on 1 knee and asks if he could be her life partner in a one sided “open” marriage.

    He will provide 60% of the income, do the dishes and housework, and wear a fake set of lactation tits so he can experience the burden of woman hood.

    All while she continues to date because she feels trapped by the patriarchy.


  2. …he’s a prince. Princes aren’t known for asking consent in LOTS of things.

    Like taxes, for example.

    Or wars.

    …plus, I guess you’ve never heard of Droit du seigneur, or jus primae noctis, where a prince could just bang any peasant woman he wanted on he wedding eve to marry SOMEONE ELSE?

    …Snow’s getting off kind of EASY here with a kiss…

    …oh, also, it’s a FAIRY TALE.

    Lighten UP, Francis…

  3. Ok, Disney, redo the ending of Snow White to make it politically correct, but keep on keeping on with the pedophilic casting couch system that sexually exploits children.


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