This is the strangest picture I have ever seen – IOTW Report

This is the strangest picture I have ever seen

I think it must be a photoshop.

42 Comments on This is the strangest picture I have ever seen

  1. A grand total of 336 years of democrat incompetence between the four of them. No wonder our Country is screwed, at only 245 years old it never had a chance.

  2. The caption is wrong:

    “Thank You Madame President and Mr. Turnip”

    They were probably visiting to get tips on Iranian negotiation tactics.

  3. My God Jill!
    Did yu smell it?
    The whole place smelled of pee and poop.
    Like a toilet. A farm. Like the White House a bit.
    Did you smell it?
    What do you mean, “No, Not really”, “Your used to it?”
    Where the heck did you smell something like that?
    Why ya lookin at me like that?


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