Repent Mother****er!!! – IOTW Report

Repent Mother****er!!!

This is an odd one. The worst proselytizer evah!

ht/ js

57 Comments on Repent Mother****er!!!

  1. a. unmedicated schizophrenia
    b. hardcore atheist performance piece intended to make Christians look bad

    Either way, she’s preaching a false gospel which condemns her to the Lake of Fire.

  2. The last time I checked even the craziest and most zealous of Pentecostalists don’t swear like that trying to proselytize someone into believing in God. That makes for a very lousy witness of what a Christian is supposed to act and speak like. Unless she was speaking in vulgar demonic tongues.

  3. There’s a guy that lives in my apartment complex who, up until about a year ago, would walk around several times a day screaming at the sky, “I AM JESUS CHRIST!” while walking a tiny white poodle.

    Then he suddenly wasn’t seen for awhile.

    Now he’s back, walking around occasionally, but says nothing to nobody. Seems much calmer. Tranquilized.

    The dog is gone.

  4. For the little dog’s sake…it’s a nice thought. I’m going to stop thinking about it now.

    He’s also a chain smoker. Always got a cig dangling from his mouth.

  5. There used to be institutions for the insane.
    Leftists banned the institutions and released them into the wild.
    Some will be found in the aisles your local Walmart.
    Some will be found in the halls of Congress, having been elected by the lunatics that roam the aisles of Walmart.

  6. @ CC.

    Not all of the insane ranters are homeless.

    Many of them are ‘educators’ and are tenured. They rage their insanity with the full support of the faculty and the school administration.

  7. Bipolar or some other psychosis and off her medication. There’s a family somewhere worrying about just such a nightmare as this. She’s also an asshole.

  8. grool
    MAY 4, 2021 AT 8:07 PM
    “There’s a guy that lives in my apartment complex who, up until about a year ago, would walk around several times a day screaming at the sky, “I AM JESUS CHRIST!” while walking a tiny white poodle.”

    …well, first, I’m a Pentecostal and I don’t know anyone who does that. Yes, I suck at it because I do cuss at times, but never in the same breath as glorifying the Lord. This would be like Sam Kineson doing an alter call or Andrew Dice Clay praying the prayer of faith.

    …as to your Jesus Christ claiming guy, I had a frequent flyer psych patient like that once. My Squad got called there for all sorts of things, my personal favorite being the time he clubbed his minister in the head with an acoustic guitar, but he was always adamant that he was Jesus Christ every time we went there, except for the last time I personally did, where he apparently got an upgrade from Son to Father, because he insisted on being called God instead.

    …for the record, I wasn’t particularly religious then, but I refused to call him either just because I wasn’t big on induging crazy. If he got too tweety about it in transport I would call him “son”, and that would seem to mollify him, but that was as far as I’d go. I mostly didn’t talk to the nuts if I could help it because it was like having a conversation with a parrot. You’d get words that SOUNDED intelligent, but basically meant nothing, and most seem to prefer to sleep once we strapped them down anyway, and talking just agitated them more, and there was really no benefit to it.

    It was stupid anyway because they’d get to the Headcase Hilton and, because Democrats were cutting the crazy loose then, just have to answer three questions to find out if they were oriented, and they’d usually get sprung while I was still doing paperwork.

    Unless they were violent like god boy and the cops had an interest because they signed the red tag, but the crazies usually knew better than to act sane until the cops got bored and left.

    I did appreciate the respect one of the dispatchers showed the name of Christ, though. We had a hospital called The Christ Hospital, but people making radio calls tended to try to be brief, so most said things like “2 Sam 92 en route to Christ”. Setting aside that this sounded like a grim prognosis for their patient, it also wasn’t particularly respectful sounding and one particular dispatcher would always do the readback with emphasis, as in “2 Sam 92 en route to THE Christ HOSPITAL at 1932”, just to bring home the point that it was the CORRECT way to say it. He’d even go as far as requesting they call the comm center on a landline if they persisted so he could chew them out over it, and the Cheif would hear about it if you didn’t change your ways.

    Not the most important thing in emergency comms, granted, but even then-heathen me respected that.

    …that was then, though, and both crazy and disrespect for Jesus Christ have gone up exponentially since then. Kind of surprised they calmed YOUR guy down, not sure what happened to mine because I never saw him again…

  9. Somehow I can’t see any miracle preacher like a Benny Hinn etc. slaying someone in the Spirit by swearing at them “Die you evil, mother effin spirit and come out of this person in the name of Jesus, Amen. It doesn’t work that way, you can’t expel an evil spirit by using another evil spirit of obscenity and profanity in order to remove an evil spirit. It will just beget more evil.

  10. At the Religious Meeting Tomorrow Night:
    “OK, who’s the genius who put Shirley in charge of recruitment?”

    Y’know, there was a time early on in this video that I was gonna swear she was a comedy genius and this was a bit. At two minutes in… not so much.

  11. One Sunday morning at our church in the mid 80’s my wife and I were siting in the pews listening to our preacher who got off the track and started chasing a story he was telling down a rabbit hole. Anyway a guy sitting in front of us got up up and started yelling at the preacher, “This is a bunch of bullshit, what’s the point you’re trying to get across.” My wife and I most of the congregation were stunned and horrified and the ushers all swarmed over this guy and drug him out of the church forcefully. I’d have to admit the guy had a point but not in a church because our pastor sometimes would go off on tangents that no one knew what the hell he was talking about. A couple of years later he was removed from church leadership because he got caught in some hanky panky with some of the younger female church members.

  12. @Carlos
    CIA = Crazy Insane Assholes

    she was a lively one for sure. I’ve seen people in insulin shock on the verge of coma, convulsing and foaming at the mouth, near death, and when they recover they have no memory of it, or slipping into it. and here she’s totally conscious, offensive, verbally combative in a cognitive manner, on the verge of harming others and herself, but when on her meds she won’t remember a thing about the incident and be as sweet as a kitten.

    evil is the night and sanity is the light.

  13. @PHenry
    MAY 4, 2021 AT 8:17 PM
    “There used to be institutions for the insane.
    Leftists banned the institutions and released them into the wild.”

    You gave me an Idea. Maybe if we could convince the leftists that institutionalizing these people would make vote harvesting easier, we could bring back insane asylums.

  14. Yeah, just call her “Legion”. See The Holy Bible, KJV Mark 5:1-18.

    Christ delivered a man even more possessed than this poor Walmart loon.

    The irony of the situation is a bit comical, until the evil and crazy get intolerable.

  15. yay, thats possession. Thats similar to the demon possessed woman that folllowed Paul. She was proclaiming that they were preaching the gospel
    Acts 16
    “Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.” And this she did for many days. But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And he came out that very hour.”

  16. SNS,

    I was not implying that she is representative of all Pentecostals, if in fact her dress is a clue to the background she comes out of. It may or may not be. Like I said, she could just be an undermedicated woman who likes dresses.

    BTW…Ray Comfort (I suspect you know this) is some type of charismatic, though he doesn’t publicize the fact much. About 20 years ago at his old website, there was a forum which was eventually shut down because it was bombed and hacked by atheists.

    Anyway, at one point a friend of Ray’s who moderated the board got into a half discussion/half argument with another charismatic, out in the open where everybody could see it. The moderator stated openly – and this is a quote that I still remember – “You have to admit, we seem to have more than our share of crazies,” meaning Pentecostals generally in contrast with other denominations.

    He was speaking truth there. I could tell you a few more stories myself about some Pentecostal lunacy I’ve encountered.

    If Pentecostalism does not in fact have more than its share (and I don’t know why it would), the ones it has tend to be more…unrestrained about it. Now, whether it just attracts them or somehow fosters or even creates them is up to the informed individual to decide. But there does indeed seem to be something to it.

  17. Beachmom
    MAY 5, 2021 AT 7:55 AM
    “Mental hospitals need a come back.
    Instead of fixing problems they closed them all and these people have no place to go”

    …they can go into Democrat politics, they seem to do pretty well for themselves THERE…

  18. And it is quite evident our society has declined to the point where criminals are in charge. No one can do anything about this loon because we’re all scared of the legal ramifications of tackling this piece of shit and throwing it out the store. Or 2 taps to the forehead.

  19. Laugh it up, fuzzballs. The left could cite this example to paint all of us with the same brush and ride this video for years and years. Sure, we got hundreds of similar “It’s MA’AM!!” videos and a whole cabinet secretary to point at, but it doesn’t matter.


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