Jen Psaki Tries To Explain Away Teachers’ Unions Dictating CDC Guidelines – IOTW Report

Jen Psaki Tries To Explain Away Teachers’ Unions Dictating CDC Guidelines

Fox News

White House press secretary Jen Psaki defended a teachers’ union’s role in developing guidelines circulated by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) during a briefing on Tuesday. 

Psaki said it was standard procedure for the CDC to consult outside groups when making recommendations. 

“It’s actually longstanding best practice for the CDC to engage with organizations, groups that are going to be impacted by guidance and recommendations issued by the agency,” press secretary Jen Psaki said. “It doesn’t mean they are taking everything they want, or even a percentage of what they want.” More

5 Comments on Jen Psaki Tries To Explain Away Teachers’ Unions Dictating CDC Guidelines

  1. BRIDE of CHUCKIE.Spawn of Chuckie….
    How would you like to get up every day
    and have no frickin’ idea what demented Joe-n-Hoe
    are going to say or do next??? Then have to
    stand in front of the Mundo world and tell lies ???

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