Doctor Not Accepting Patients Who GOT the Shot – IOTW Report

Doctor Not Accepting Patients Who GOT the Shot

Never heard about this before, his reason for not accepting patients who had the shot.

Take a look –

ht/ js

44 Comments on Doctor Not Accepting Patients Who GOT the Shot

  1. We need more of this. If he was in my area I’d change doctors to go see him, and I don’t even know what he is a doctor of. Probably a gynecologist, then I’d have to Bruce Jenner myself.

  2. A so-called doctor basing his knee-jerk decision on the anecdotal “evidence” of 3-4 women in his office having a “strange” menstrual cycle date? Did he check them over time? Did they change something in the routines? were they in sync, but now aren’t. Nah, it must be the ‘rona shot. Yeah, he seems legit. He’s no doctor I’d go to no matter how much his politics may align with my own. We have dumbasses on our side too.

  3. Good call, Doctor. There’s simply too much still unknown about the effects of these experimental Wuhan virus shots. And that’s not only those things that it is impossible to know because there hasn’t been enough time to look at non-immunological effects, not to mention long-term effects, but also because what the govt and pharma people have said has been disingenuous at best and outright lying at worst. Especially the statistics.

  4. So THAT’S why they want jabbees to still wear mask. It’s not at all about catching or pitching the covid. The jabbers know that spike protein shedding is a big bug in the program, but there’s no way in hell they’re going to admit it.

    Well, I say it’s a bug, but given the distaste the Globalists have for the teeming mass of hoi polloi, the infertility is probably a feature.

  5. I’d support him if he said that people that got the jab are too gullible, too stupid, to desire as patients he has to deal with.

    But what he’s selling is a tall tale. Until proveable and proven. And THAT is why vaccinating ‘everyone’ with an experimental mysterious conconction that was generated by the most blatantly deceitful ‘leadership’ this planet has ever endured is horrifically evil.


    God forbid a doctor question an experimental treatment being pushed hard by Big Pharma. It’s not like scads of their products have not had unforeseen and disastrous side effects, even after rigorous and lengthy testing. Which has not happened with the jabs that turn you into a GMO. I respect his concern and quarantine “out of an abundance of caution” as the government likes to say.

    And as long as they’re ginning up Jab passports to force us into submission, I have no problem with a little doubt and pushback from the heretics. What’s good for the goose…

  7. This seems rather extreme. However, a friend is a research doctor and very knowledgeable about a variety of drugs, including HCQ, has been following every detail of the COVID responses. She says absolutely DO NOT vaccinate your kids. Too many unknowns, and obviously no long-term trials. Too risky for a group that isn’t at risk for the actual virus.
    Meanwhile, my scoutmaster is pushing vaccination for all adults and even teens. A couple of scouts have already gotten theirs. Unfortunately I can’t say anything.

  8. This doctor is not the first one to mention the danger for un”vaccinated” people coming in contact with “vaccinated” people. Bleeding, strange menstrual cycle changes etc. Do I believe him? Probably not – I think the greater danger from the gene therapy shot is to the “vaccinated” themselves. But I don’t know anything with certainty which I why I am not getting the jab. And I’m not motivated by a 5 dollar coupon from CVS or free booze or whatever prize they are now dangling to entice the reluctant. It’s pretty simple – I fear covid much less than the jab and its possible longterm health implications. I wish I understood the blind faith and exuberance for an experimental serum.

  9. @Thirdtwin, I have no problem with doctor’s questioning – that’s a big part of their job. But to make the decision not see his patients because they got a shot and for no other reason is reckless – mostly to them. Doctors see sick people with unknown ailments all the time – that is exactly their job – but not this guy. Funny how when DJT had the vaccine fast tracked, we all loved his cutting the bureaucratic red tape. Now we’re all mistrustful? What gives?

    BTW, you have the coolest icon.

    @LeftCoastDan – one of my ASMs lost his mind about this too suggesting in committee that we start a roster of vaccinated and unvaccinated scouts and leaders. I asked him how many boys’ health forms he had access to. Of course it’s none. No way we are violating privacy like that. His wife’s a total Karen though so we don’t even give them access to the Troop Facebook page in case a boy has his picture there without a mask.

  10. I prefer to sit back and watch the shit show and see how many “vaxed” are still alive in 6 months…or if they are flailing around on the ground like a new ride at Disneyland. (Maybe these idiots are why the CDC has instructions in case of a zombie apocalypse?)

  11. @CryoJohn – some of us who love Trump parted ways with him over his association with Fauci and Trump’s insane Operation Warp Speed cutting all corners and removing liability from the jab manufacturers. It always sounded dangerously rushed to me.

  12. A rushed vaccine’s main objective should be to VACCINATE & PROTECT THE MOST VULNERABLE IN SOCIETY.
    P E R I O D !

    Trump rushing this through in less than a year instead of 10-12 years can be seen as a good thing for the obese & elderly, and those with co-morbidities.
    P E R I O D !

    P E R I O D !

  13. I think that some of you didn’t watch the video. He. Is basing his decision on thousands of reported cases of unvaccinated women having menstrual problems after being around a vaccinated person. His concern for the women in his office is exemplary.

    Good for him.

  14. I’ve read a few stories on Reddit about men complaining of complications after sleeping with their girlfriend who got the shot. From rashes to aches and pains to feeling like they have the flu/covid.


  15. I have no plans to get vaxxed. I’m able to work from home and my employer has not required it. Many in my immediate family are in the medical field; physical therapist, 3 nurses, 3 nurse practitioners. They’ve all taken the vaccine. Not sure if they were required to, but most likely were. One of my daughters-in-law ( a nurse) just had an outpatient procedure to address some female issues. Now I’m curious to see exactly what it was and when it manifested, before or after she took the vax.

    There’s just been too much conflicting information for me to rush into it. I have a healthy skepticism when it comes to “authorities” telling me what I must do.

  16. Sorry. I’m not with this guy.

    I respect whatever decisions anyone else makes. your choice

    I took the shot.
    I am here to work & make cash for my family.
    I don’t give 2 shits about myself until AFTER I take care of them.

    I know people who were vaccinated & had a very light covid sickness for 3 rough days.
    I know 4 people who got covid with no vax. 2 are dead at 67 and 79
    The other 2 said it felt like the worst flu they ever had with one still not breathing that great 2 months latter. Both in their low 50’s and no diabetes or weight issues.

    I’m absolutely fine (51) and just got off a 1 hr ride in the woods with my mountain bike. Pfizer did not even give me a headache. zippo.

  17. I would also like to point out that modern medicine with all of its problems a deficiencies has managed to get people to live well into their 80’s and reduce infant deaths dramatically.

    My paternal grandmother had 9 kids. 7 made it past 2 years old. Of those 7 all lived well past 85. My 2 American Uncles Jersey & Philadelphia are 86 and 95. Jersey lives near a chemical shit hole & Philly luckily ain’t been shot miraculously.

    This Doc is quite animated & loud. I have never seen that in any doctor I have dealt with except for “New Age Homeopaths, healers and TV jerkoffs.

  18. @Cryojohn – unfortunately I am the ASM and the Scoutmaster is the Karen. He does have legitimate self-concern, as he is mid-70s and has had serious immunity issues although he keeps in shape. But I completely disagree with him when it comes to the kids. If I get vaccinated, the only reason will be for scout summer camp. My hope is that in 2 months nobody will care, but worst case I’ll get J&J – which apparently is in good supply these days!

  19. Thanks for all the medical advice on this thread! Who knew Fur had so many medical professionals as readers. Although some of the authors seem to be writing during a sugar high.

  20. Dr. Jay, I would trust the average iotw reader/commentor over a “doctor” that is paid nearly half a million dollars annually of our tax money that can’t find his own asshole with a funnel.
    Seriously, Fauci has been on every side of this issue.
    I trust a roulette wheel more than I do that retarded little rat-bastard.
    I have never wanted to punch out such a weasel before seeing this douche on TV every day.
    Trump’s biggest mistake.

  21. WHERE was he when 💩bama was jamming 💩bamaKare up our ass?! 😡

    ALL you had to do, was go on strike for ONE WEEK! You coulda played golf the whole time!!!

    But INSTEAD, you wanted to play cutey, & footsie, & grabass with the lawyers, the insurance companies, and the politicians, singing that sweet, sweet refrain of – “We’re IN, the money! We’re IN, the money” – because now EVERYBODY “has to have” 💩bamaKare.

    Guess AGAIN, 💩head. I LOST my health insurance thanks to 💩bama & his socialized 💩bamaKare, and I DON’T have insurance now. I trust ALL doctors, as far as I can KICK their sorry, lazy, socialized asses. 😡 I don’t trust ANY $15/hr. 💩bamaKare subcontractor.

    In FACT – I WANNA die in the age of 💩bamaKare, because I wanna see who resurrects me FIRST!

    The 💩bamessiah, or the TRUE Messiah.

    MY money’s on the latter…

  22. Severe justice needs to slam the media, Fauci (who funded the gain of function of this man made virus, the Dems for causing this mass psychosis. I can’t believe all the ads pushing vaccination for babies and children. Stop this insanity!


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