Rat or Raccoon – IOTW Report

Rat or Raccoon

I’m not following the Mets too closely this year. I know they’re just above .500 in a weak division, but I expect them to break out and go on a run. Frankly, I DGAS. Covid and Wokeness has sapped any deep interest in the game. The left has ruined so much.

I’m posting this because I heard there was an “event” in the tunnel during the game that made a bunch of players run in and, most likely, break up a fight.

I’m not posting this because of a baseball fight, either.

I’m posting this so you can see a classic example of what people look like when they make up a complete bullshit, and horrible story in lieu of just saying “it’s none of your business.”

Behold, the great rat versus raccoon debate-

13 Comments on Rat or Raccoon

  1. It just seems to insult your intelligence to have the story about the raccoon and the rat

    It just seems an insult to anyone’s intelligence to hear a pair of sportscasters talk about insults to intelligence.

  2. …all I know about raccoons is that there was this one time when my basement kept getting more and more whiffy until it got completely unbearable, like there was a dead mouse in a trap somewhere, but 10 times worse. All the traps were empty but one summer day we had to evacuate the house because it was LETHAL levels of death smell. I went back into the eye-watering stench and finally traced it to the ash box for the fireplace, which was empty but you could almost SEE the stink rolling down the chimney. We got hold of a chimney sweep who dug the bloated, delequesed corpse of a bear cub sized racoon and dropped it into a 5 gallon pail, freshening the air almost immediately.

    …bad as THAT was, it doesn’t stink NEAR as bad as modern SJW Gayball.

    …sorry, didn’t watch the thing with the two queens of diamonds having a slap fight.

    Don’t care.

    Baseball is dead to me.

  3. Baseball ain’t dead. I played a couple of innings yesterday. It was fun.

    You guys should go head out to the sandlot. Playing 2 or 3 innings is better than sitting on your butt watching a whole game.

  4. Play lotto everyone, I agree with Burr…

    Don’t let them take shit away..

    My two teenage sons are playing in the back yard now as the sun goes down…and they watched a game earlier and will be watching another one soon.

    This is a head fake by BFH… :>o

    He knows all the Mets box scores…and THAT’s FINE…

  5. Took the boy fishing today. Used sun dried baloney as bait. Caught a fish…threw it back.

    Not the same as baseball…..but it’s close.

  6. Illiterates on steroids hitting a tiny ball where the tiniest slight starts a scrap where no real fight happens.

    The opposite of Hockey, where everyone is swearing at each other, fighting and bodychecking and out for beers after the game.

  7. Some idiot sportsdope at the Wall Street Journal wrote a column last week ostensibly about the Super League plan in Euro soccer that crashed last week. Apparently he likes soccer. He had a litany of complaints about North American sports and what we can learn from soccer (“What we Americans can learn from this & that blah blah…” BS is common phraseology from leftist writers and journos). He had no complaint about kneeling or woke shit….it was other stuff. At the end he took a shot at the NHL, saying that its greedy owners should spend some money making the sport “watchable”. He seems to think a certain European sport that takes 20 minutes to move a ball up a field to the opponent goal only to (usually) fail to score is a great spectacle. If hockey took that long to move the puck up to the other end, nobody would ever watch it. For fast, sustained action, hockey can’t be beaten. It’s not my job to defend hockey, but sometimes it needs to be done.


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