“Check your privilege!!!” – IOTW Report

“Check your privilege!!!”

I am so sick and tired of people saying “check your privilege, particularly when it makes absolutely no sense contextually. It’s just a phrase that is programmed into their weak soy boy brains and makes them feel as if they are superior, by being inferior.

No, I’m not checking my privilege. If I’m better than you, more important than you, stronger than you, more influential than you, smarter than you, then FUCK YOU. Sorry, pal.

Why am I posting a poker video? Because I saw this years ago and had it tucked away in my brain.

William Kassouf is a British player who is known primarily as a guy who utilizes “speech play” to mess with his opponents. It’s fun to watch (but must be like hell to play with.)

He is arrogant, not as funny as he thinks he is, and is a bit annoying. But oddly entertaining.

In this clip he goes up against pocket aces to his pocket kings. He thinks he is in the driver’s seat, and he’s toying with his opponent, trying to get the guy to call him when he goes “all-in.” But it’s Kassouf about to get stacked.

Bear with me with this post. I’m posting this because his opponent made me want to vomit, and if you like to torture yourself by watching punchable faces, this is the video for you.

The guy is the epitome of a soy boy. His rant about being “verbally abused” will make you lose testosterone.

When he retreats to his rail, to get massages from his equally fem friends, you will be rooting hard for a king to river just to see this poofter dissolve into a pool of broken dreams.

(I love when Kassouf says to the guy “I’ll show you verbal abuse.” Meaning, look in the mirror pal.)

Here is the full hand –

Here is the video at the point when the poofter starts his “check your privilege” rant.

27 Comments on “Check your privilege!!!”

  1. It’s verbal bullcrap. I majored in Philosophy when I was an undergrad. It’s not a problem. When they say something crazy like “check your privilege” say something crazier like “QUIT STEALING BASES” or “YOUR ENTITLEMENT IS RACIST”.

    When I was younger we called this ‘flipping the script’.

    Now get out there and tell those crazy folks that they’re all guilty of being doctrinaire racists.

  2. Another one is ‘cultural appropriation’. It’s appreciation, people! And yes, you are allowed to dance dances made up by other ethnicities, play music genres generally created by other ethnicities (also there is so much crossover here it’s ridiculous), even cook and eat food made up by other ethnicities.

  3. I’ve earned my privilege; I’m not an entitled little fuck like you, would be my response.
    If you don’t like that, Come get some ‘privilege’, suckah..

  4. Now that I’ve watched the video… Totally agree on Benger, he was fine until he blew up. Kassouf is clearly a jerk, but if you’re playing poker at this level you should be used to these showing up on occasion.
    Kassouf reminded me of Sean Bean’s character in Ronin. Trying to be tough, talking through it all but really betraying his inadequacy to every other member of the team.

  5. Left Coast Dan, when accused of cultural appropriation, the natural counter is to accuse the other person of being a cultural FASCIST.

    Cultural fascist believe in one culture for each race. That’s messed up, man. Africa is an entire continent full of diverse countries. It’s not one land where everybody click talks and jumps up and down in place.

    Go get em’ tiger.

  6. Check. Yup, my privilege is still awesome.

    What, do you think I want to be a product of some shithole country by shithead parents?

    Nahh, I prefer my privilege. Thanks for recognizing my awesomeness. Now run along and go stew in your misery.

  7. First off, the morons don’t know what “privilege” means.

    Middle English: via Old French from Latin privilegium ‘bill or law affecting an individual’, from privus ‘private’ + lex, leg- ‘law’.

    It’s a grant by a sovereign to some crony for some remuneration.
    A monopoly, or a suspension of a tax, or some other quid pro quo.

    These idiots are confusing “privilege” with “success.”

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. In case he reads this thread:

    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´

  9. @Burr – yeah, the whole African thing really annoys me. I’d like to think that my ethnicity is a bit more specific than one that includes Egyptians, Bush People, Watusi, and so many others. And the only people who talk about ‘white’ are those trying to put it down. I’m not ‘white’, I’m Scottish, English, Dutch, German, and maybe a bit of Cherokee. But it doesn’t drive how I act.
    Well maybe the Scottish part, I am a bit miserly. But I despise haggis.

  10. I was rooting for the silent guy the whole time until he lost control of his emotions. It’s tough to be stoic in that situation.
    But I also hate loud mouthed shitbirds who need their ass kicked. HARD.
    So, I’m on the fence.

  11. Funny how a crybaby makes you cheer for a posterior orifice. It was trash talk. That is all it was. Anyone who finds that abusive should find another line of work. Tell him to shut up. Tell him you’ll meet him outside later on. But don’t cry about being abused. That will be remembered long after the other guy is forgotten.

  12. Left Coast Dan, ……..Haggis, that is some kind of sacrilege despising “The Haggis”.
    I doubt soy boys and Karen’s even know what Haggis is, …no, sorry you skinny (or obese Lesbian) simpering fucks, Haggis is so not vegan.
    – Grumpy

  13. Do you realize how hard it was for my ancestors who immigrated from Germany had to work to get “white” privilege? We gave up our language and almost all of our ethnic heritage, thanks in part to 2 evil regimes that ruled our ancestral homeland. The Irish-Americans and Italian-Americans still have their ethnic heritage, even though they are now considered “white.”

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