Maher says the left are fun-suckers – IOTW Report

Maher says the left are fun-suckers

The comedians on the left are the canaries in the coal mine. They are getting it first. The left are the oppressors, totalitarians and uptight assholes that extinguish freedom and fun while exacting their political aims.

Citizen Free Press-

Weird segment from Bill Maher…

21 Comments on Maher says the left are fun-suckers

  1. So the Party bosses have sent out the token celebs to push back at the SJW trash that they created in the first place? Cosmic Justice. heh

  2. @Gladys….Ol’ dick nose, sees the wave coming and is trying to hide the fact he was one of the ones that said go out and look at the receding tide.

  3. Maher points out the obvious like he’s just uncovered a profound discovery. He does this {as mentioned above} all while positioning himself as a neutral observer.
    What a loser.

  4. Bill Maher: “Y’know that monster the left created over the last decade and a half that’s threatening to devour western civilization — yeah, that’s bad, and I had nothing whatsoever to do with that.”

  5. When Reagan was president, the “Moral Majority” was doing the same thing. Anything that was fun, they tried to outlaw. Any time any group gets too much political power, totalitarianism is the result.

  6. Like when James Watt the Sec. of the Interior under Reagan tried to ban the Beach Boys from performing at the national 4th of July concert in Wash. DC on the Natl. Mall in the mid 80’s because he deemed them to be disruptive and controversial. The Beach Boys performed anyway despite his objections.

  7. He was and is one of the people manufacturing the rope that BLM & Cancel Culture are hanging their opposition with.

    Soon, just like Sarah Silverman, they will come for him.

  8. He conveniently twisted the facts around. Conservatives want(ed) to ban socio-political immorality. Libs want to ban those who want to ban said immorality. There is a subtle difference. We most definitely are not them, and they are still them – on steroids – not us.

  9. Pushed a hard Leftist propaganda and orthodoxy disguised as comedy for years.

    Now dismayed that certain subjects are off limits by his very audience.


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