I’m posting something nice … and then…. – IOTW Report

I’m posting something nice … and then….

See the video HERE

but thennnnnnnnnnnn….

Watch this-

7 Comments on I’m posting something nice … and then….

  1. Fur, you’re so twisted! I love it!!

    (This is my first Mothers Day without my own mom. Was she perfect? No. Was she a pain in the neck sometimes? Yes. Aren’t all moms? God knows, that with six kids, she did the best she could. As an adult I frequently half-joked that she should have just had me and been happy. LOL! Thank you, mom. I love you.)

  2. The job interview vid was sweet.
    On the school forms there was a place to list your job or occupation. I used to put, Child development researcher with field experience. Specializing in pre-adolescence and adolescence behavior.

  3. I would be so pissed if I made the time to conduct an online interview hoping to better my career only to find out I was only part of a “Appreciating Moms” video.


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