Anonymous black cops speak out about bad politics affecting their jobs – IOTW Report

Anonymous black cops speak out about bad politics affecting their jobs

6 Comments on Anonymous black cops speak out about bad politics affecting their jobs

  1. You have an idiot mayor who lets youths rampage through downtown, flash-robbing stores like Walgreens. Then, instead of dealing with the kids, she goes on TV threatening the banks that they better shape up and make loans in the hood. About a dozen carjackings per day. Kim Smollett Fox turning the bad guys loose. The trains are all active crime scenes.

    The city is unsafe and the cops are just set decorations in a theater of the absurd.

  2. It’s not just “black cops” and it’s not just Chicago or big cities. It’s all fifty seven states. Civilization is being dismantled right before our eyes; take due notice thereof and govern yourselves accordingly. The end of United States is at hand.

  3. The fact is if the leadership in these urban shitholes wanted the gang violence and black on black murders to stop, it could be stopped.

    There’s a very good reason why crap like this isn’t tolerated in N AR where I just came from.


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