“Touchless” Holy Water? – IOTW Report

“Touchless” Holy Water?

Mechanized’ Holy Water?

Aqua Sancta Touchless Holy Water Font

Admittedly, it took us awhile to get used to the idea of holy water—something so simple—coming out of a high-tech dispenser. But we reasoned that the water has to reach us somehow, whether using your hand, a sea shell, or an aspergillum (some of which are super fancy). Holy water is essentially mediated through some other means. Why not through a safe, touchless dispenser?

ht/ mfm

23 Comments on “Touchless” Holy Water?

  1. Why not? The vestment companies are offering clergy face masks in all the liturgical colors to match the chasubles. And, there is great doubt as to whether we will ever see hymnals and missals or prayer books in the pews again.

    It’s depressing how quickly most churches capitulated to the covid restrictions and for how long. If they don’t see worship in community as an essential service, why should the faithful? Although, the sudden surge in online services did give me a chance to shop around and find some good homilists.

    And this guy, who did a bit of reflection and humbly asked his flock to forgive him:

  2. …if you think holy water can ever be dangerous, then you don’t actually believe that it’s holy water so whatever the hell you’re doing with getting wet in public for no reason has nothing to do with faith and everything to do with show, and I don’t know who you think you’re impressing, but it ain’t the Lord…

    “5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

    6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.”
    Matthew 6:5-6

  3. I saw a picture online of a priest baptizing an infant by squirting it with a water pistol, presumably full of holy water, from about 10 feet away. 👶🔫 The mom was holding the child in front of her and it looked as though she was using the baby as a human shield. It looked pretty stupid, but, as a germaphobe, the water in those fonts always skeeved me out with everyone dipping their nasty fingers in there and then touching their faces 😲.

  4. …can’t really improve on the Word.

    Believe or not.

    But if you DON’T, quit fooling with water for no reason, you’re only embarrassing yourself.

    “16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

    17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

    18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”
    Mark 16:15-18

  5. Shade, shut up for a minute. The MAIN reason we need to put holy water in containers isn’t because of the damn dempanic.

    It’s because worthless fucksticks keep hawking loogies in it. Happens all the time. We keep the Church open, some jackass with a chip on it’s shoulder strolls in, spits in the Holy Water and puts out all the votive candles.

    So yeah, put it in a dispenser.

  6. Burr, Black Hand of the Lord
    MAY 12, 2021 AT 7:52 PM

    …then maybe a better solution is to station your largest usher next to it as a Designated Smiter to smite the literal hell out of the next person who does that?

    …once word gets around, you save 6 Benjamins on the superfluous spirit spritzer…

  7. Burr, Black Hand of the Lord
    MAY 12, 2021 AT 7:52 PM

    “…spits in the Holy Water and puts out all the votive candles.”

    …a more creative one would suck up some holy water, then use it to spit the votives out.

    …new business idea: Magic Relighting Votives.

    ..it’s like an Eternal Flame for whoever offers the prayer and who knows, it may scare the offender into thinking he’s witnessing a miracle, a person like that don’t sound too smart…

  8. Burr, Black Hand of the Lord
    MAY 12, 2021 AT 7:52 PM

    …FWIW, at Our Lady of the Rosary they put the Holy Water for finger dipping in SUPER fancy little wall-planter like fonts, but in sponges, not just a dish of open water, so if anyone spit in it you’d never know…

  9. dammit! Geoff beat me to it! You bastard!

    back when I was still a Catholic, every time I dipped my hand into the Holy Water, it began to steam & bubble. The basin musta been defective I tells ya.

    Suthren Baptist Convention now and very happy to finally be learning the Bible.


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