Hey, Look At ME – IOTW Report

Hey, Look At ME

Images from:

1) Mary Hatch (Queen Nefertiti) A friend’s beautiful Main Coon kitty. “She’s a big girl!”
2) Marco (Jamie) on his cowboy chaps waiting for Shane to come back.
3) Old Guy (Violet and Verbena) and the giant cat pillow.
4) Mansfield Lovell (Auggie) – Mean Version.
5) Tim (Hummingbird) in the snow, 4-20-21. I mentioned him in one of the threads.
6) Not at all confused (Kilo and Logan) Cat stacking. Oh, I think they did this on purpose!
7) Supernightshade (Cottontail) Jethro on today’s (5-2-21) thread says he’s got a cottontail bunny he can’t photograph. I got his cottontail right HERE!

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:



  1. A picture you (or family/friend) took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

  • Memorial Day Critters – What can you come up with?
  • Critters with their humans – Ok, I had this brilliant idea. Take pictures with your critters and I’ll pixelate your faces (ala Mr. Pinko). How ’bout it?
  • Who’s The Most Adorable? – Do you have the most adorable critter? Remember, beauty is in the eye of … their human!
  • Father’s Day – Daddy critters with their kids (real, adopted or toys).
  • Independence Day – How does your critter “celebrate”?
  • Before and After, critters as babies/adult photos, before and after photos ‘trip to the groomer’, clean critter/after mud puddle …. – Theme idea from Col. Angus

Thanks to all contributors!

17 Comments on Hey, Look At ME

  1. Good morning Claudia and all, happy Sunday.

    …some bunny above turned up on my side porch in the house we just moved to, after years of my wife complaining that we never got any at the old house, or indeed anything cuter than a possum. Well, here she go.

    She saw a second, smaller one since then, but we haven’t seen either one in about a week.

    But we DID start seeing a fox just before we stopped seeing them.



  2. Awesome collection, Claudia!

    What a pretty kitty – ON THE COUNTER?! Off! Go go go! Argh I don’t care how pretty you are. I know where your feet have been – the litter box.

    Battle dog is both cute and funny.

    Kilo and Logan have a garage band. This is their album cover. They bad.

  3. Good morning and happy Sunday to all. Great pics to those who contributed – thanks Claudia. I like the calico cat – my family had one when I was kid. And Auggie looks like she’s either been on a mission or is mentally preparing for one.

  4. @ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS
    There are now two in my yard. One is living under a brush pile and the other under the firewood stack. They will be gone by July. We have foxes too.

  5. Mornin’ everyone…

    Great pics… and I wonder what could possibly be so tempting on the top shelf??

    And that cat pillow?? :>)

    Thanks C!

    Have a great, safe and strong week…

  6. Great pics Claudia!! We have lots of bunnies bouncing around our yard lately! Oh and Nefertiti is a massive beautiful, spoiled Queen!! But aren’t they all!

    Gid bless us all!

  7. That Maine Coon looks a lot like ours. Every evening, he lies down in our back yard among several deer that we put corn out for. They are used to him and every so often he will bump noses with one of them. The does will soon bring their newborn fawns with them. It’s going to be interesting as he is about their size.


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