Kid Reporter Who Interviewed Obama at 11 Dies at 23 – IOTW Report

Kid Reporter Who Interviewed Obama at 11 Dies at 23


(NEWSER) – Getting to tell the president what you want in your school lunch is a dream come true for a kid. And landing an interview with a sitting president is a dream come true for a young reporter. Damon Weaver did both at the same time in 2009, when he was only 11. Weaver was on his way to becoming a grown-up journalist when he died May 1 at age 23, the Palm Beach Post reports.

His sister, Candace Hardy, said he died of natural causes. After giving Obama an opportunity to talk about a White House push to improve lunches, Weaver, then a sixth-grader, pitched his own preference. “I suggest that we have French fries and mangos every day for lunch,” he said. You can still watch the interview here.


20 Comments on Kid Reporter Who Interviewed Obama at 11 Dies at 23

  1. Kid wanted french fries & mangos but Moochelle wanted kids to each cardboard garbage while she stuffed her fat cunt face with pie.

    I’ll never forget that evil whore berating a gold medal winning Olympian, Gabby Douglas for eating a single McDonalds breakfast sandwich.
    That gymnast likely burns 8000 calories a fucking day you ignorant slut!

    Fucking obamas belong in deep eternal HELL!

  2. Barack Obama: “…OUR education system…”

    Wrong, Mr. Communist. It belongs to people in their respective States. Not Congress, not The Department of Education, not the Federal Courts, not the Federal Government in any way shape or form. Go ahead and read that pesky Constitution full of all of it’s ‘negative prescriptions’ you hate so much.

    You should have stuck with CHOOM. You knew that subject well.

  3. Obama receives a tough question from a kid.
    Not real long afterward,’the kid dies unexpectedly, “from natural causes.”
    And Jeffrey Epstein hung himself.
    And Joe Biden received 80 million votes.

  4. For many++ black young adults, dying of “natural causes” means they were murdered by other black young adults.

    But Black Lives Matter, doncha know?

  5. Well, that’s a shame.
    Natural causes at 23? Maybe he had some hereditary defect?
    I hope he got his French Fries and Mangos.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. There is nothing “natural” about dying at age 23. As usual, there is more to this story than what the so-called media want you to know. Hiding Covid jab complications maybe?

  7. @LBS

    I remember seeing those Meals on News shows illustrating what Pure Shit they were serving those poor kids. They were showing most of it being left on the trays and dumped into overflowing cafeteria garbage cans.

    That was an absolute sin. The taxpayer theft, the hungry kids, and what those companies did to food that was once edible but had been turned into vile product. 1 cup of real Milk would have been better. Or real juice for the allergic.

  8. Obviously he strayed too close to Obozo when he was shedding some virus. Obozo’s sexual proclivities have left him harboring a host of highly contagious diseases that the poor kid fell victim to.

  9. “I would like to be Wolf Blitzer,” Weaver told Time Magazine in a 2009 interview.

    Maybe God saved you from not being like any of them, especially Wolf and the other commie reporters. You went down before any of them, for a reason God only knows, he spared us again!

  10. A loss of life is a terrible thing. May he rest in peace. God help and bless his family.
    It looks like Obama is a curse and is a toxic even for those who remotely had interacted with him.


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