Space Force Unit Commander Removed From His Post For Decrying Marxism in the Military – IOTW Report

Space Force Unit Commander Removed From His Post For Decrying Marxism in the Military

This used to be the goal of the military, to wipe out Marxism.

This is more than disturbing.

17 Comments on Space Force Unit Commander Removed From His Post For Decrying Marxism in the Military

  1. Not a real surprise, though.

    The nihilistic totalitarians (Communists, Nazis, Socialists, Progressives, Demonrats, izlamists, Labour, Social Demonrats, Demonrat Socialists, Unionists, Syndicalists, Marxists, Leninists, Stalinists, Trotskyites, Zinovievites, Maoists, &c.) can brook no dissent – we’ll experience outright purges after their consolidation.

    There’s a war on.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Read the A.T. article( about 6 months old) on how for 32 years 2 liberal Presidents named George promoted mostly , not all, NeoCommies to Flagg. Austin got 2 stars from Bush 2! Austin is the Sec Def who ordered CRT “education” for ALL military!

  3. With out military making the changes it is making, we’d be wise to start being a lot less confrontational with both Russia and China.

    Iran and North Korea as well, maybe.

    If we give them what they want, maybe they won’t hurt us.

  4. Ideology is more important than knowledge, experience, qualifications and patriotism in the biden administration.

    Before Biden is done the military will be decimated.

  5. Sort of reminds me how Stalin purged the Soviet Army officer ranks during 1937-1938. Stalin had NKVD arrest and execute more officers than were killed by the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War. Stalin’s paranoia was responsible for the arrest and death of more than 36,600 officers before the outbreak of World War II, and was a major factor in the Red Army’s tremendous losses during the first two years of that bloodbath.

  6. Oh, it’s fraggin’ time agin’
    Yore gonna leave me
    Leave me
    I can see that look of terror in yore eyes
    I can tell by the way yore runnin’ genral
    That it won’t be long before it’s fraggin’ time
    You’ll understand if you were in Nam…

  7. Lt. Col. Lohmeier’s relief by Lt. Gen Whiting reinforces Lohmeier’s point. Marxism is overtaking the military and it looks like it’s made its way out of the trenches all the way to the COCOM level.

    obama saw that a strong conservative voting block was a serious impediment to increasing marxism in America. His efforts to purge the serious commanders effectively gutted military leadership. By now, and proof lies in the disastrous decisions the services have made over the past six years, leftist admirals and generals, and their anti-conservative ideologies, are firmly in control. From Berger’s gutting Marine Corps heavy combat arms to the Army’s ever evolving physical standards (so anyone can pass PFT’s or Ranger training) and grooming standards lowered to appease preferences, our military no longer stands as a wall against foreign dangers, but a social justice organization to support progressive changes to America.

    THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA: “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” Who would have thought obama was talking about converting our own military into this civilian national security force, but I guess Biden* was in on the plan all along.

  8. When I was in the Strategic Air Command, if you didn’t revile communism, you were looked at with some degree of suspicion. We had a giant poster in our break area of a nuclear mushroom with the words “Nuke them all” written on it. Although SAC’s motto was “Peace Is Our Profession”, we kept the peace by being ready, able and willing to vaporizing hundreds of millions of those little rat-bastard commies on a moments notice.

  9. DOD “rooting out extremism” like they promised.
    The military shall be a Borg hive mind. Resistance is futile.
    In the meantime they’re putting out 2 mom Army ads, gay guy with a ring in his nose and a Hispanic woman who can *gasp* hold a baby while she does something else at the same time in CIA ads.

    Boy the USA sure is a bunch of poofers.


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