No one helps a woman being beaten? – IOTW Report

No one helps a woman being beaten?


Savage beating of a woman at a Little Caesars.

What a world.

That ahole who holds door open is quite a guy.

39 Comments on No one helps a woman being beaten?

  1. Those lowlifes who refused to help should be arrested as accessories.
    Especially the guy at the door.
    Although the news probably reported it was racist for the white chick to resist her deserved beating.

  2. A overweight slug can hurt a old fart. And I no longer dash into the unknown region of my hit and miss luck. I’ll stop for people with car issues or lone people down on the ground. The last time I was first hand at a fight, I went outside the mc donalds and got a cop to go in. My good Samaritan days are now cautiously applied.

  3. Domestic disputes are often dangerous because both sides take up against the outsider. Bad news if you don’t have the means and will to restrain all sides and ASAP. This includes boyfriends with weapons (as in Seattle).

  4. One time $100k tax free reparations payment to those who qualify:

    1. Documented evidence of direct descent from slaves held by white owners on this continent.

    2. Descendants of those held by non-white slave owners are disqualified.

    3. Disqualified if you’ve ever accepted any form of taxpayer funded income (welfare, SSI, etc)…you’ve already been paid.

    4. Disqualified if you’ve ever been incarcerated…money has already been spent on you.

    5. Upon accepting payment, recipients sign a binding agreement to never again claim to be owed any money or property of any white person, under penalty of imprisonment.

  5. Not that I would ever step in, but here’s a story – when I was a young thing working in a restaurant with a bar the wise old cook, who was a hefty old gal missing her front teeth, told me the only way to break up a cat fight was to grab each of them by a tit, said it worked every time.

  6. Women are just as strong and capable as men, or so I’m told, so I’m sure the blonde chick could have handled the situation appropriately, if she really wanted to. I’m also told that black people are incapable of being racist, so I’m sure that the black chick seen here isn’t actually delivering the case of whoop-ass my lying eyes are showing me.

  7. I will get involved, because I’m a decent human being and am not going to sit and watch someone be beat like that.

    I though also live my life as a safari life, I avoid the safaris, more than 3 blacks gathered, I don’t enter the safari.

  8. Dianny, I read on another site that the baby wasn’t trying to get in hits, that she was actually the daughter of the one getting beat and was trying to help her mother.

  9. Crack heads?
    Meth heads?
    Pervert miscegenate domestic dispute?
    Argument over who gets the change?

    Surely there’s more to this story than the finale.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Well apparently this was all because the white chick is dating the black chick’s baby daddy.

    Black chick is still threatening white chick on FB and apparently this isn’t the first time black chick attacked white chick, she busted out her car windows trying to get to her the last time.

    White chick needs to give up black baby daddy and learn you don’t roll around with trash or you will smell like trash.

  11. The reporter said…then they moved outside, should be then the black woman dragged the white woman outside and kept beating her. Not as much of a fight as a beating.
    Beats her,Beats her!

  12. More vile negro filth. Any objective person watching You Tube regularly knows damn well who the real fucking violent racists are in this country.

    The KKKlan with a Tan

  13. OK, so the white chick is the girlfriend of baby momma’s ex.

    If this happened before, why did white chick agree to still date the black guy? Because apparently the black guy is okay with her harassment.

    And this isn’t a race thing, it’s a pathetic woman thing.
    Pathetic beater and pathetic taker of said beating.
    Shit example to all the kids they have in common with the male asshole.

    In this case, white girl better find some self-respect and move on/out.
    I don’t think babydaddy cares about the women or the kid(s).

  14. Why do women fight over a guy who has 12 kids and no job???

    My long time ago ex-boyfriend (no kids, when I met him. lol) has a sister who ‘married'(not really, she bought herself a cubic zirconia and put it on) a guy who already had five kids (he married that one) that they knew of.

    Knew of. OK?

    And then she had 3 more with him. The state was hounding him for child support of the first 5. So he would only ‘sort of’ work. Because when he did, the state took money out of his checks. Which would piss her off and call her ‘husband’s ex a crazy bitch, etc. And yes, they would physically fight once in a while.
    And I’m thinking—
    YOU KNEW he had 5 kids when you hooked up with him!!!
    So, she worked to take care of 5 people in her own household, plus she would once in a while give him money to give to his ex’s kids. LOL.

    I got curious so I went to FB and looked her up a while ago. She’s still with the guy, he still doesn’t have a job, and she was a great-grandma at 50. (No I don’t want to do that math.)

    Anyway, my long ago ex and his sister’s parents were garbage at parenthood.
    But the mother was excrutiatingly scummy. She caused them more emotional damage than their father did, because of her behavior with men and life in general. She wanted the ‘bad boys’ and she got a ‘bad life’.

  15. MJA, people of all colors have no sense of morals anymore and these poor kids just have all these men in and out of their lives.

    This couple who used to live by us had like 8 kids between them. The woman had 5 of them, all 5 had different daddy’s. The last one being with current husband, the first husband she had. He had 3 when he married her, one by a woman he wasn’t married to and 2 by his former wife. He was actually the more decent of the two, had a job, supported his kids.
    The oldest little girl who was 9 at the time was telling me one day that one of her brothers were with his other Daddy that week, 3 of her sisters were with their other mom. As she was rattling on she told me the other mom was never her mom, but her brother’s Daddy was her Daddy, but she has this Daddy now and her other Daddy she had only seen twice. She kept rattling on about how this one’s Daddy was her Daddy, but isn’t anymore and that one’s Daddy was her Daddy, but isn’t anymore, but he’s still that one’s Daddy. My heart ached for her and all of the kids, to them Daddy’s were just disposable objects.
    The Dad worked nights and the mom was always leaving him alone with the kids, not letting him sleep and then on his nights off, she was always gone. I’m sure out scouting for more new Daddy’s by the way she dressed.
    She complained to me once that the propane guy was looking at her boobs. I told her well, he’s an old man, you have a low cut shirt on with a push up bra, you don’t do that if you don’t want men looking, so don’t get mad when the wrong age bracket looks at them. She was nothing more than slutty white trash.


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