This Commander-in-Cheat is a real A-hole – Insults Coast Guard Graduates During Speech – IOTW Report

This Commander-in-Cheat is a real A-hole – Insults Coast Guard Graduates During Speech

ht/ mel

28 Comments on This Commander-in-Cheat is a real A-hole – Insults Coast Guard Graduates During Speech

  1. Imagine being Joe. Getting up every morning knowing you are not the legitimate President. That you had to cheat like a MoFo to get in office. Do you think it bothers him? Me neither. That POS sold his sole a long time ago.

  2. LOL

    Joe Biden, during his Coast Guard Appearance.

    ““There’s a saying that we use in a different context, a Chinese saying that says, ‘Women hold up half the world.’ It’s an absolutely stupid position not to make sure they represent at least half of what we do,” said Biden.”

    That’s a quote from Mao Tse Tung. I guess the name China Joe fits.

  3. Those that would be politicians these days share many traits. Shamelessness, underachievement, arrogance, no sense of the accomplishments of others …

    Please clap! (yes, that’s a reference to yeb!)

  4. Biden is either a dementia ridden senile old man that doesn’t understand what is going on around him or he isn’t.

    If he is he cannot be held responsible for what he says and does and if he isn’t he can be.

    People need to make up their minds about his condition and adjust their attitudes about his statements and actions accordingly, it can’t be both ways.

  5. @Anonymous

    Biden has dementia, his own party knows it and they are taking advantage of it.
    They continue to put him out front for all the world to see which makes it open season from those that see the dangers of his BS.

    If anyone is to be condemned, it is the commie democrat party.

  6. “The Coast Guard is the hard nucleus around the Navy forms in times of war”. That doesn’t even make sense. Did the senile old pedophile leave out a word? And he calls them dull for not clapping. Fucker can’t even form a coherent sentence. Asshole. His drug addled pervert son couldn’t even last a month in his nepotism position in the Navy without getting kicked out for being a cocaine addict.

  7. Regardless of the intra-service bantering, The United States Navy is outstanding, always has been.

    This BS coming from the worthless fuck who received five student draft deferments during the Vietnam War.

    Biden is doing his best to discredit all service branches and members. Yep, a real chinese patriot.

  8. The entire audience was well aware of that Reagan quote. That’s why they didn’t respond. They were biting their tongues so as not to scream out “PLAGARIST!”.

  9. The OIC should have called for everyone to come to attention, and then about face and march out.
    Joe hates the military, has since his worhless whore of a son got thrown out for being a druggie.

  10. Brad, if he sold his sole he must be a real heel. Joey and the military do not play well together. I resent all of joey’s draft deferments, when I got a low draft number in the 72 draft lottery (the only lottery I’ve ever won) I joined the Navy before they could draft me and then Nixon ended the draft just before the 72 election while I was in boot camp.

  11. “ …the hard nucleus around


    …the Navy forms in times of war.”

    Hey Squinty McRickles, if you’re going to steal a quote, at least try to slur it out correctly.

  12. Oh, God — I have been in that situation, where you were trapped in place by some stupid boring bloviating moron and you had to sit there and listen to him blather on, unable to escape. This is Biden’s “clap, you dumb bastards” moment all over again.

  13. Biden seriously looks like a figure you would see in a wax museum. His facial skin looks like yellow tallow. I have said this before, but his eyes are literally sinking back into his skull. If you look at pictures of the husk from just a few years ago, his eyes were normal looking, now they are like a corpse. Wait a minute……

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