Why do people keep voting for these a$$clowns? Chicago Mayor says she will start holding 1-on-1 interviews with reporters — but only if they’re black or brown.
That’s the definition of racism. more
25 Comments on Chicago: Racist Mayor Says She Will Start Holding Interviews With Black/Brown Reporters
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What kind of voting machines do they have in Chitcago?
Looks like two black eyes.
Equity and diversity, ain’t it grand?
I think this is probably in violation of civil rights laws on both the Federal and State levels.
Is anyone, as in anyone Republican since Democrats won’t, going to sue over it at either the State of Federal level?
Are white people going to show up by the thousands in front of government offices and her home protesting it?
We’ll see, I guess.
Her eyes are on either side of her head like prey, rather than the front of her face like a predator. Weird looking racist diesel dyke.
They’re going to rename the airport after her, aren’t they.
All blacks are racists. Rare is the exception. Prove me wrong.
Good old Mayor Beetlejuice!
I don’t see any great loss, most people don’t speak ebonics anyway.
Anybody know of the kill count pool is in Chicongo for this weekend?
Gee Wally, I wonder what her white wife thinks about that?
Is she also refusing to talk with yellow and red people?
Gosh. So that’s what happens when Don King mates with E.T.?
Is it racist to say she looks like a raccoon? Asking for a friend.
Why would any sane person want to be in the same room with that freak?
Adm Ackbar
So……what if a whypepo who identifies as a black person wants an interview?
@J. Mathers according to CRT dogma, just because you’re in interracial marriage doesn’t mean you’re not racist.
FFS. Just put on some concealer. Her eyes look like black beans.
I love the word Recall!
So if Rachel Dolezal showed up as a Journalist for an interview with her … ?
Blatant racism and violent crime are the new black entitlements. If some white mayor had refused to give an interview to any black reporter, prosecutors at every level of government would’ve either found or pretended to find a law to prosecute that mayor with.
Pittsburgh’s about to get THEIR first! The crooked black man, beat the crooked GAY white man in the demtard primary.
If the RINO’s run another, in a LONG line of dipshits in the general election, I predict the city is burned down within 48 hours of his inauguration.
“REPARATIONS,” ya’ know.
She’s got two black eyes.
“Is it racist to say she looks like a raccoon? Asking for a friend.”
Why do you want to insult a raccoon ?
[Kung Flu]
She has the classic wide set, bug-eyed appearance of mongoloidism that is typically a result of fetal alcohol syndrome. Bet she has diminished cognitive capacity as well.
Not saying this to be mean, just stating an observation.