Shake Shake Shake Señora – IOTW Report

Shake Shake Shake Señora

14 Comments on Shake Shake Shake Señora

  1. gin blossom MAY 20, 2021 AT 1:37 PM

    Do you guys notice that you can’t think of one time your wife was that glad to see you?

    Even bigger difference –

    All my dogs have LOVED the smell of other dogs on me when I got home.

    Wifey: Is that Suzie I smell on you? Wow! Get in the bedroom, pronto!

    I don’t think so.

  2. Not what I expected. Pleasantly surprised.

    Our tripod, who has a bobbed tail like the one in the video, also shakes his rear end when we return home. It’s so comical we started calling him “wiggle butt boy.”

    So endearing are his antics that I wrote a song about it. I once communicated to a fellow musician thusly:

    “I wrote a new song. It’s called ‘Wiggle Butt Boy.'”

    him: “That’s disgusting.”

    “It’s about my dog.”

    him: “Oh.”


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