Geoff Duncan’s Former Chief of Staff Says Georgia’s Lieutenant Governor Never Should Have Assumed Office – IOTW Report

Geoff Duncan’s Former Chief of Staff Says Georgia’s Lieutenant Governor Never Should Have Assumed Office

Tennessee Star

The former chief strategist for Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan said his former boss was the wrong fit for the job and that Duncan’s personal and professional shortcomings likely doomed his reelection prospects.

That man, Chip Lake, told The Georgia Star News Wednesday he worked on Duncan’s political campaign for a year and a half. During the lieutenant governor’s first year in office Lake served as Duncan’s chief of staff. Lake said he regrets working for Duncan.

“During the campaign he was a hard worker and a good listener. When he became lieutenant governor he went from a guy who asked a lot of questions to a guy who knew all the answers. It became very apparent this was not the same guy who was candidate Duncan,” Lake said.

“He changed and lost his drive and his work ethic. I made a decision in early December of that first year, 2019, that I was going to leave and I did and I don’t regret it. I am happy I got out.”

Lake described Duncan as someone who probably dislikes the position of lieutenant governor and cannot unite the GOP caucus and instead prefers “to throw big ideas at the wall and see if any of them stick.” more