Journalist Humiliated Trying to Humiliate DeSantis For Signing Bill Allowing Floridians To Sue Big Tech for Being De-Platformed – IOTW Report

Journalist Humiliated Trying to Humiliate DeSantis For Signing Bill Allowing Floridians To Sue Big Tech for Being De-Platformed

The dumb bint tries to imply DeSantis signed bill for Trump. She gets put in her place and the audience erupts with continuous applause.

29 Comments on Journalist Humiliated Trying to Humiliate DeSantis For Signing Bill Allowing Floridians To Sue Big Tech for Being De-Platformed

  1. ” Too much like his idol daddy don.”

    Oh look,a Libtard. That doesn’t no shit about States Rights. I wonder how expensive a oaf of bread or a gallon of gas has to get before people like Jenny realize they’ve been wrong about everything they believe or have been taught.

  2. Brad
    “people like Jenny realize they’ve been wrong about everything they believe or have been taught.”
    Listening to my daughter-in-law brag how their all vaccinated. It hard to be quite around an OBAMA LOVER.
    How do you make them realize they haven’t got a clue what’s really going on.

  3. Cmn¢¢guy

    Family is a tough one. I’m fortunate to have only one Libtard in the family. My wife’s sister, who I do like. She’s got enough class to avoid politics around us. And we do the same.

  4. Yep. A hysterical one. Like Potato Stelter. Possibly ghey and denying it. Like that.

    And totally thinks DeSantis and Trump are HAWT! You can tell, that’s the only time “she” shows up.

  5. Why are comments being deleted, I thought we were the party of free speech?

    Since Jenny’s comments were deleted (odds are she embarrassed herself and said something stupid)the rejoinders that followed lack context.

    I’ve seen this happen in other threads as well. Rush once said that any conservative can out argue 5 liberals at once, he wasn’t afraid of a little dust up. We should follow his lead.

  6. Besides, have you seen one trying to explain their case? No. They just troll and spam. Drop weird links. Just like in the 0bama days, they even pay them to say shit that they can later point to, to try and get us banned everywhere. Talk is over.

  7. “Besides, have you seen one trying to explain their case?”

    Exactly. They’re not here to debate. They’re here to disrupt. I’d actually love to debate one of them here. But all things considered, they don’t have much they can defend right now.

  8. Hey anyone wants to sincerely debate a lib? Go do it on their turfs. See what happens. We can’t talk THERE but we have to be gracious HERE? And take their retardation soaked abuse?
    Pfft. No.

  9. Right now, the he/she is trying to use VPN to make the diarrhea comments.
    It’s kinda sad, really. Maybe we should all pray his internet gets cut so he can save himself the embarassment.


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