California Teen Refurbishes Flag Monument For Eagle Scout Project – IOTW Report

California Teen Refurbishes Flag Monument For Eagle Scout Project

Fox News

In the months leading up to Memorial Day, 17-year-old Christian Juvet decided to restore a massive concrete American flag in his local California park for his Eagle Scout project. 

Juvet said he noticed that the concrete flag memorial was in “disarray, had graffiti on it, skid marks, all sorts of dirt and gunk on it.” 

“I did some research and found out the historic significance of it and that it was actually made during World War II to honor veterans,” Juvet told Fox News Saturday. More

10 Comments on California Teen Refurbishes Flag Monument For Eagle Scout Project

  1. A few good pix on what he did:

    A fine example of a kid with his head screwed on straight! (as my old man used to say)
    It occurs to me that in our “new woke” society, a very real and serious question that all tax-paying, law-abiding, God-fearing, responsible parents in this country should be asking is:
    “Why are we paying colleges and universities an average of $100,000 dollars to totally fuck up 18 years of our hard work!

    Aaaaaannnnd THAT’S how it should be looked at! Why ANY parent who has invested 18 years of love, attention, involvement, tears and work into their children doesn’t look at that way is beyond my comprehension! Of course colleges and universities will tell you that parents have no say in what goes on because the students are the ones “paying the tuition”… Bullshit! That was just the first step these Communists took in separating the kids from the parents! More and more parents should be taking a close, hard look and where their kid may be going an acquire the balls to say “No way! if it includes an ounce of some “Woke” agenda! A college education is not worth destroying a parent-child relationship” … even if the kid is getting a full ride!

  2. I saw this on the news a few days ago and thought how great it was for the kid to have been raised so well. Then, I thought how many days before some punk assholes come along and destroy it? It’s sad that our perception of meaningful, beautiful things, especially those displaying patriotism, are smeared because we know it’s just a matter of time till it’s destroyed. I’d buy this kid lunch if I knew him.

  3. Probably the last time we’ll see something like that. The next ESP of this nature will be attacked. There is nothing America Marxists hate more, and the BSA has already caved.


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