NY: Mayor Lovely Warren’s Town An Ugly Hellhole Used To Test Out The Worst Ideas From the Left – IOTW Report

NY: Mayor Lovely Warren’s Town An Ugly Hellhole Used To Test Out The Worst Ideas From the Left

Frontpage Magazine

Rochester has the second highest urban murder rate in New York with killings up 56% and shootings up 90%. Once the 32nd largest city in the country. Rochester is at number 111 and falling. Its population shrank 6.2% since 2000. The poverty rate is at 31% and the only thing going up is STDs with gonorrhea up 77% and chlamydia rates placing second in the state.

So the Democrats are using Rochester as a model for America.

Hardly a week goes by without someone in the media, who has never been to Rochester and wouldn’t go there at gunpoint, describing it as the first city to conduct some socialist experiment. More

13 Comments on NY: Mayor Lovely Warren’s Town An Ugly Hellhole Used To Test Out The Worst Ideas From the Left

  1. I couldn’t even finish reading the article, and I want to throw up.

    And the selfish goons are in charge once again at the national level committing treason from stem to stern.

  2. “Rochester has the second highest urban murder rate in New York with killings up 56% and shootings up 90%.”

    Let the leftist media continue to call Rochester a socialist Nirvana; maybe more libtards will move there.

  3. Rochester NY. Rust Capital of America. Home of the Rochester Rusting Cars Museum. They got lots, from old Model T’s that are completely rusted to a 2020 Fiat, where the rust is working up the fenders.

    The museum has a techy speed up of a 1956 Chevy going through the stages of rust starting at the lower door panel up to cover the roof. Then a tiny hummingbird lands on the roof and the whole thing caves in and rots away till there is nothing but a pile of red dust on the floor. Like the 2000 year old man in the Twilight Zone episode who rots away on the floor, becomes a skeleton, then a pile of white dust.

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