Biden Abuse of Office| Navy, Nepotism, and Narcotics – IOTW Report

Biden Abuse of Office| Navy, Nepotism, and Narcotics

WATN: Nothing says communism more than using your position as Vice President to get your functioning crackhead son into the United States Navy as a Public Affairs Officer. A PAO (Public Affairs Officer) deals in communication. Most of them are CIA assets. That’s part of the job spec. For more information on that, you should reach out to Jack Posobiec (#journoGate) at OANN. He can tell you more about that. I can attest he never got that challenge coin even though he was a good snitch.

Hunter Biden wanted to become a PAO as a US Navy Reserve Officer. At the time, Rear Admiral Victor M. “Vic” Beck (USN Ret.) was Vice Chief of Information for the Navy, retiring in 2013. The next year he joined top Pentagon contractor Northrop Grumman as Director of Communications for Northrop Grumman Military Aircraft systems. Northrop Grumman received $2.5 billion in Navy contracts in the fiscal year 2014.’

13 Comments on Biden Abuse of Office| Navy, Nepotism, and Narcotics

  1. Functioning???
    More like a dysfunctional, worthless, crackhead, whore-mongering, lying, cheating traitorous P.O.S.
    That goes for his old man too! (just replace crack with other drugs)
    Aaaaaannnd like a bad Ron Popeil ad, BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE!!
    Yep, make it the whole fam damnly! All crooked as a dog’s hind leg!

    Emails show Fauci was panicked early on with Covid due to “gain of function research.”
    Fauci should be on trial as we speak.
    He won’t be because the country is over.
    Enjoy while you can.

  3. Only a stupid addicted crackhead like Hunter Biden could screw up a cushy job like a PAO. Didn’t even have to go to boot camp like the rest of us slobs.

  4. A PAO is nowhere near a “CIA assett ” , more like a publisher / editor for a given command’s newsletter or news releases . Not defending Hunter Biden by any means , it says a lot he couldn’t keep that job, just a clarification of what a PAO in the Navy does .

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