Homeschooling Skyrocketed in 2020 – IOTW Report

Homeschooling Skyrocketed in 2020


Between May and October 2020, homeschooling more than doubled among U.S. households with school-age children, from 5.4 percent that spring to 11.1 percent that fall, according to new Census Bureau data.

Black and Hispanic Americans were the most likely to switch to homeschooling, while white and Asian Americans were the least likely. This could be due to the fact that African-American children are the most likely to be financially locked into poor-quality school districts, or that black Americans have been the most likely to exhibit COVID caution, or some combination.

All demographics reported large increases in homeschooling between spring and fall 2020, but black Americans increased homeschooling the most, quintupling from 3.3. percent to 16.1 percent.

The data show wide differences among states in the 2020 homeschooling surge. Families in Alaska showed the largest homeschooling increase, from 9.6 percent to 27. 5 percent, a 17-point jump. Florida went from 5 percent to 18 percent homeschoolers, and Vermont went from 4 percent to 17 percent homeschoolers, in the second- and third-largest homeschooling jumps by states in 2020, respectively. more here

8 Comments on Homeschooling Skyrocketed in 2020

  1. Keep it up. Stop the indoctrination.

    Next, we need to divorce public schools from our property tax dollars. Let us keep our own money and send our children where we want them to go or spend it on our own children to homeschool.

  2. Homeschooling is a real commitment and not everyone or their situation is suited to it. We homeschooled our son K-12 and had to make financial adjustments to do so. I quit my job, we downsized the house and there was economy in the household. We did not live like paupers, but had no massive expenditures like new cars, etc. People critical of it thought it was “sacrificing” myself to bring up our son as we saw fit. I didn’t look at it in a negative way; quite the contrary. It was a joy to spend that much time with our son and he is doing just fine as a young adult. It was totally worth the effort!

    I think, like West Coast Dan said, there will be some leveling off of this increase after a while.

  3. Homeschool curriculum:
    Bible Study
    Business / Economy
    Physical Education (health/anatomy/strength/endurance)
    Basic Weapons Training (couldn’t help myself)

  4. As the product of a one room country school, I would advocate getting together with 4 or 5 like- minded neighbor families and turning a garage or basement into a school room. Out of 4 or 5 families there should be at least one parent that could assume the duties of teacher. With some planning it may even be possible to rotate teachers on a weekly or monthly basis.


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