Amazon brands vaccinated employees, forces private COVID decisions public – IOTW Report

Amazon brands vaccinated employees, forces private COVID decisions public


At Amazon, employees are not allowed to keep one particular medical decision private.

Amazon is forcing its employees to brand themselves with stickers indicating they’ve received a COVID-19 vaccination, even if they’d prefer to keep that medical decision private. This move also forces employees to disclose if they have not received a vaccine.

The decision, which impacts all U.S. Field Operations employees, suggests Amazon doesn’t trust its own staff to be honest about their vaccination status.

Amazon confirms to the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH that starting early this month, fully vaccinated employees will wear a green sticker on their badge.

The sticker indicates the employee can work without a mask because they are fully vaccinated. By the end of the month, associates will be asked to upload their vaccination cards to an internal system.

If you do not wish to reveal your vaccination status, or simply do not want to take a vaccine, you will be forced to keep on a mask and go without a sticker. It’s like a reverse Scarlet letter.


18 Comments on Amazon brands vaccinated employees, forces private COVID decisions public

  1. I have a good friend who lives in WA. She is an oral surgeon and makes lots of $. In order to stay in business she had to take the vaccine. She chose money over life. This makes me sad.

  2. I would tell Amazon to go pound sand, it’s none of their damn business. And with 2 large Amazon fulfillment centers in the Spokane area now there is no way in hell that I would work for them. I have a good job already and Amazon can shove it as far as I am concerned.

  3. I need to figure out what I’m going to say to people that think that this is a good idea.
    1: Why would you want to take a experimental vaccine that hasn’t been approved by the FDA because all the animals that were experimented upon died.
    2: I believe my chances of dying of the virus are less than dying from the vaccine in the long term.
    3: Please explain to me where all the flu deaths went?
    Most doctors had zero cases of seasonal flu.
    4: Follow the money 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰.
    5: Fact
    Bill Gates is pushing this with his billions and he isn’t admitted adepopulationist. He has said the world can only have half a billion people. Anybody know where he went to school to be a doctor or scientist?

  4. @Billy Fuster: Your friend thought she was choosing $$$ over her life. Ask her what good is $$$ if you’re dead. We don’t know what these “V” will be facing down the road with their health, but one thing I do know, you’re pretty much screwed if you took the “V” death jab. My daughter was pressured to take the death jab by her employer. Can’t sue if you get sick, OSHA won’t cover you if you get sick, if you die your life insurance won’t pay out because the “V” wasn’t FDA approved. DH read me the “V” release of liability form Walgreen has in place before you get the jab. It’s all on you for making the decision, you have no recourse to sue anyone. So, you got screwed with the jab, if you die you got screwed permanently.

  5. But the torrent of emails from the corrupt discredited murderous Dr Fauci prove that he never believed in masks – so what is the point of continuing the charade?

    I know, I know the unvaxxed must be outed and shamed even if they are covid survivors and have the smarts to know they don’t need no stinkin jab.

  6. Those who’ve knuckled under or been gulled into getting stuck shouldn’t be referred to as “vaccinated” — rather, they are the “contaminated”.

    If you “follow the science” it is the contaminated who should be wearing the masks. Even better, they should be quarantined.

  7. Hold on until winter brothers and sisters. If the contaminated start dying off it will be easier to eliminate the fools left behind. I would bet good money right now that no one in Congress will get sick from the jab because they didn’t take what they are pushing on us.

  8. If your “boss” makes your health decisions for you, by threatening to take away your income, are you any longer qualified to be called an “employee” ?

    It’s time to take Amazon away from it’s administrators.
    Where the fuck is OSHA and the Department of Labor !??

  9. “Where the fuck is OSHA and the Department of Labor ”
    DoL is all for the vaxPorts.
    OSHA doesn’t want to hear from anybody about it.

    As seen in fauci’s emails, Moderna and the NIH own the ‘vaccine’ labeled under Moderna. They started just before the CCP flu. Weird, huh?

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