Newsom Will Not Lift State of Emergency in California on June 15 as Promised – IOTW Report

Newsom Will Not Lift State of Emergency in California on June 15 as Promised

Gateway Pundit:

Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom on Friday announced he will not lift the state of emergency in California on June 15 as he previously promised.

California’s Covid restrictions will be lifted on June 15, however Newsom is hanging on to his broad powers by keeping the emergency in effect.

“The emergency remains in effect after June 15,” Newsom said on Friday during his vaccine lottery event.

“The one thing I am certain of is there’s uncertainty in the future,” Newsom said.

“We’re still in a state of emergency. This disease is still in effect. It is not taking the summer off,” he added. more here

17 Comments on Newsom Will Not Lift State of Emergency in California on June 15 as Promised

  1. “The one thing I am certain of is there’s uncertainty in the future,” Newsom said.

    …as is true for the entire history of mankind, and will be until the Lord comes back, so I guess it’s Dictator-For-Life Nephew of Pelosi, eh, GavGav?

  2. “The one thing I am certain of is there’s uncertainty in the future,” Newsom said.

    …so, you’ve described life, then…

    “Unstable condition
    A symptom of life
    In mental and environmental change
    Atmospheric disturbance
    The feverish flux
    Of human interface
    And interchange
    The impulse is pure
    Sometimes our circuits get shorted
    By external interference
    Signals get crossed
    And the balance distorted
    By internal incoherence”
    -Rush, “Vital Signs”

  3. The one thing he is sure of is CA is going to be driving whatever insanity the globalist cabal wants to inflict on us next and he needs to be ready to spring into action. And people put up with it because they can now go out to eat indoors. Doesn’t take much to keep people in line.

  4. “The one thing I am certain of is there’s uncertainty in the future,”

    Or “Expect the Unexpected”, as Tiny Tony, the little covid tyrant, would say. I expect we’ll hear the same thing from President Porchlight very soon.

    Do any of you totalitarian f—kers ever have an original thought, or do you just repeat the same, lame bromide over and over again?

  5. It’s been lifted for thousands of us, we lifted it on our own. We told Gruesome to go fuck himself. Very few are wearing masks. He’s just pissed because we’re recalling his ass.

  6. Let’s hope that Inslee in Wash. state doesn’t go back on his word to reopen Washington completely on June 30th. I saw a large haystack along I 90 out past Moses Lake on Monday coming back to the East with a large sign on it that said Dump Inslee.

  7. Just like wHitler vetoed a bill that would severely curtail her use of emergency powers.
    Gotta keep that level of “emergency” up.
    It’s the best way they have of shilling that damned “vaccine” which was only approved for use during a state of emergency.
    “Emergency” goes away, so do their $$$

  8. I sadly live in the fuc..state! I’m 65 years old. Tell me where the protests are to this new order from Hitler Hair Gel Newscum, I’ll be there. This madness needs to stop. Come on Californians, step up to stop this madness

  9. Debbie Neverwood….if this was an African country, the middle east or Europe people would be pouring into the streets to overthrow this dicktator. We have been brain washed to be peaceful.

  10. @Debbie Neverwood: 2.5 million of us voted to oust the sucker, did you sign the petition? Did you spend hours and hours collecting signatures and telling your friends to stop by and sign? There’s far more protesting by not wearing the diaper, being defiant, and just be a Karen on steroids in general. Any place of business who gives you a hard time, don’t shop there. I tell them that I can find what I need at WalMart and cheaper. When this fiasco is over, I will remember your business and I won’t be patronizing your business. Works both ways. I think Traitor Joes saw the handwriting on the wall and loosened its stance on mask wearing in their stores. I still won’t shop there just because of their attitude in the past. Nazi facemask cops, they won’t be getting any of my money. Funny how the places you use to be loyal to, turn their backs on their customers and now they’re scrambling to get you back into their stores. Here’s my middle finger.


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