“Whites Are Racist” Claim the Leftists With Whites As Partners – IOTW Report

“Whites Are Racist” Claim the Leftists With Whites As Partners

18 Comments on “Whites Are Racist” Claim the Leftists With Whites As Partners

  1. Look at them…because they know they can wear the pants in the relationship and call all the shots. Some black dudes won’t allow it, especially the ones from the Slapahoe tribe.

  2. Leftists marry money and position.
    Remember, They do not like to work and they like other peoples money.
    When it done, they divorce & go round again.

  3. “Hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue.”

    These people are lying, screaming hypocrites – and they know it – and they know their sycophantic asswipe stooges know it, too.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Why are they all married to whites?

    Simple, they are all deeply insecure and they think {in their own twisted way} attaching themselves to whites gives them validation.

  5. If all the people of color got rid of all the white people they would continue to hate and fight among themselves. It is in their nature and the hating will never end. Not that whites are much better, I think it’s in most people’s nature to find security in like kinds.

  6. I was gonna say they are with whites to upgrade the DNA of their offspring but they are either homos, post menopausal, and/or have polluted wombs riddled with STDs and scarred from abortions. So, I have explanation. But, whatever the reason, I am sure white supremacy is to blame.

  7. WTF is wrong with their white partners?
    I can see they needed to go fishing outside the pond, but c’mon man, wasn’t there anything else available on the shelf?

  8. Not the couples who are conservatives. I know quite a few of the latter and they absolutely flat out reject the notion that America is systematically racist.


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