SF Giants To Change Uniforms For Pride Month – IOTW Report

SF Giants To Change Uniforms For Pride Month


The San Francisco Giants told fans Tuesday that the team will add gay pride colors to its hats and uniforms in recognition of Gay Pride Month.

“The 11 colors of the new Pride logo are emblematic of the Progress Pride Flag and signify inclusion and progression with the six pride colors,” the team said in a statement, “red (life); orange (healing); yellow (sunlight); green (nature); blue (serenity); purple (spirit); and black and brown to recognize LGBTQ+ people of color and light blue, pink and white to recognize people who are transgender.” More

33 Comments on SF Giants To Change Uniforms For Pride Month

  1. It brings a whole new meaning to being an OUT-fieler or an IN-fielder…
    Catcher or Pitcher?…
    Taking the mound?…
    Base on balls?…
    In the Dugout?…On deck?….

  2. MLB will have to come up with a new vocabulary that is more suitable for the 3 or 4 queers that show up for games.

    Umpires will yell “Four Balls” instead of “Ball Four” to remind queers of their sexual encounters.

    Home Runs will be renamed “Homo Runs”.

    The Outfield will be renamed “Out Of The Closet Field”.

  3. This is so out of control. I cancelled MLBTV last year due to their BLM support and refused to sign up this year. And guess what? I ain’t going back. Gays sare largely accepted but that’s not good enough. Nope. They need to hit us over the head time and again. Where is the sanity?

  4. They play with their own balls and pat each other on the ass every chance they get.

    The gay uniforms are just hem being unusually honest.

  5. Stirrin – that could be George Takei before singing the National Anthem. However, it could be the first sighting of baseball anal beads in a professional game (why did I even go there..geez).

  6. I’m already tired of the pandering for LBGJQ pride month. The advertising is over the top
    Some examples-
    Tide laundry pods
    Pluto TV
    Roku channel
    Who gives a rats behind? 🤔 and by the way you have ruined what the real meaning of the rainbow is assholes. 🤬

  7. I’d tell ’em to shove the bat up their ass… but I think that’s PART of the pre-game festivities (probably replacing the National Anthem)! 😮🤮

  8. I think there should be a trophy given to the queer ballplayer who gets most hits into the left-field hole.

    The Bat and Two Balls Trophy. Two gold-plated balls at the bottom with a gold-plated bat sticking up.

    The RBI statistic will be replaced by the RBIM stat: “Rub It In Me” for the queer ballplayer who uses most jars of KY jelly in one season.

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