Kamala Harris’s plane forced to return to Andrews after ‘technical issue’ – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris’s plane forced to return to Andrews after ‘technical issue’

The Hill-

Vice President Harris’ plane was forced to return to Joint Base Andrews on Sunday because of a “technical issue” with the aircraft.

Symone Sanders, senior adviser and chief spokesperson for the vice president, said Harris would be switching planes for her trip to Guatemala City because of a “technical issue,” adding that there were “no major safety concerns.”

When asked if she is okay, Harris told reporters traveling with her, “I’m good. I’m good,” while giving a double thumbs up.

“We all said a little prayer but we’re good,” she added.

A reporter traveling with Harris said there was an unusual noise coming from the landing gear when the plane took off from Andrews, but the landing at the air base was normal.


26 Comments on Kamala Harris’s plane forced to return to Andrews after ‘technical issue’

  1. “Kamala Harris’s plane …”
    Oh? Really?
    Did she buy it? Did her honky husband?
    Guess there’s more money in grifting than I imagined.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Yeah sure. My guess is that she will never actually go to Guatemala City and never intended to go, but golly, she sure tried. Not lazy or incompetent at all, like some say. She really, really tried, but the darned infrastructure let her down.

  3. stirrin the pot
    JUNE 6, 2021 AT 6:25 PM
    “FTSB officials were going to examine the black box, but Kamalamala Ding Dong refused to show it.”

    …I don’t think she’s shy about showing HER box to ANYONE in Washington, that’s how she got there in the first place…

  4. @She’s “Vice” all right June 6, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    True, she uses it to advance her career, which is why she won’t make it available to the FTSB. There is no benefit to her in doing so.

  5. The pilot pulled out and sprayed all over the gauges.
    Unfortunately, Kamala was fresh out of Kleenex so an instrument landing was out of the question.

    Yeah, I said it.


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