How did we never see this? – IOTW Report

How did we never see this?

By we, I mean me.

Putin gets the Obama treatment, in that, he plays his sport and no one dares defend against him, just like they had to do with the talentless Barack.

Make sure you watch until the end and try and figure out which lackey was murdered for allowing Putin to embarrass himself.

36 Comments on How did we never see this?

  1. Willy”

    I’ve asked this question before, never got an answer. What’s your deal with me? Your hatred is off the charts. I’ve offered to meet you for your satisfaction, but you refuse. And then you tell me you’re a cripple. But still after my ass. Men don’t do that. Little girls do that, once again, at your convenience sir.

  2. Brad…Just fucking around…LOL…you got the humor of Bruno SanMartino….

    “What’s the deal with me?”…simply, because your a lollipop….

  3. “Brad…Just fucking around…LOL…you got the humor of Bruno SanMartino….

    “What’s the deal with me?”…simply, because your a lollipop….”

    Your standard answer. I’m a lollipop? Coming from a cripple that could never defend himself. Oh, OK. But you certainly have no governor on you mouth. You’ll never face me, even though you think it’s totally manly for your crippled ass to hurl insults my general direction. Karma is a thing. I’m really wondering how you look yourself in the mirror every morning. In case you haven’t realized it, you are a born Libtard.

  4. I’ve seen a YouTube video of Putin getting his ass handed to him in a martial arts competition. He took it like a man and moved on. who do I respect more? Biden or Putin? Don’t even need to think about it, Putin.

  5. No different than a US President throwing the first Baseball at the Worl Series. He and the players are just having fun. He is a nationalist who loves and respects his country and people the majority of Russian people feel the same towards him.

  6. So I re-watched the red carpet fall multiple times, he got up on his own with no difficulty, meaning this wasn’t the first time he’s fallen. Regardless of how “tyrannical” we want to see this, the guy has been on the ice before and can handle a hockey stick half-way decently, and take a fall without wincing (see Obamas’ girlish response at two men sparring).
    Not trying to make him out to be a superstar, just saying he knows his way around more than just the ice rink and doesn’t need someone else to steer a vehicle while he pretends to (symbolic for how he runs the country as well).

  7. Brad, you don’t just have the best answer to something, you always have the only answer to everything. You know how to field dress any animal of any size, using only a length of grandma’s yarn and a toothpick. You’re the quintessential, barrel chested, baritone alpha male that is perilously inseparable from your commando keyboard. Just like you, we all want to be just like you.

    If it weren’t for Willy’s post, I’d have kept scrolling after seeing your name as I usually do. Have a nice day.

  8. All in all, it was still the lamest hockey game I’ve ever seen.
    Most hockey games have at least one brawl, and you don’t leave the arena without some players teeth on the floor.

  9. It’s not the same as tossing out the first pitch. they don’t make a batter humiliate himself.

    Vlad has a decent shot and he skates Okay.
    The problem is He Can’t do both at the same time.

    The damned goalie is in a bad spot. He has to literally move opposite where the puck is heading. Try intentionally not reacting to something coming at you.

    Worse still, is being a spectator or announcer. That is the Horror of communism/facism. The party is busy watching the crowd to see who is not swallowing the shit sandwich.

    At least in the USA, NOT YET anyway, they did not force the public to stand and revere the Biden Takeover of the White House. The guards at the capitol were still there under the lie of protecting the capitol.
    Lets hope in 3.5 years they are not all there being forced to face another false inauguration, in dress uniform, and applaud on command like NoKo, ChYnA, Venezuela, Iran,…

    That would be a sign of the end of your constitution.

  10. @Left Coast Dan

    You are right.
    However, Trump would never expect anyone to watch him stink at something he does not do for 2 hours.

  11. I’m Team Brad. If for no other reason than long ago mentioning Keto on a comment thread which has really helped with improving my health and well being. (But I also like his tough masculinity). Thanks Brad ❤️

  12. But…but…but, Jen Ptuti said old Joe is so physically fit, she can’t keep up with him! Ans just a couple of days ago, we saw that they finally took the training wheels off his bicycle!


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