Influential “Atlantic Council” Partnered With Flagged CCP Propaganda Group – IOTW Report

Influential “Atlantic Council” Partnered With Flagged CCP Propaganda Group

National Pulse-

The Atlantic Council hosts regular, high-profile events in Washington, D.C., briefs policy and lawmakers, and has presented speeches from the likes of President Bush, Governor Huntsman, and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. The Atlantic Council receives its funding from corporates such as Facebook, as well as national governments and even Hunter Biden’s Ukrainian oil firm Burisma.

Alongside a number of Western media outlets, think tanks, and politicians, The Atlantic Council think-tank has also collaborated with the China-United States Exchange Foundation.

Founded by the chairman of the “highest-ranking entity overseeing” China’s United Front, CUSEF functions as part of the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front Work Department. The billion-dollar effort aims “to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party” and influence Western elites to “take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies,” according to the U.S.-China Security and Economic Review Commission. more

7 Comments on Influential “Atlantic Council” Partnered With Flagged CCP Propaganda Group

  1. American’s have been bitching for generations now about think tanks working against the best interest of the American people.

    Alex Jones was the first one they dropped the hammer on.

  2. Oh, I know all too well. It goes back to the late 1700’s as far as we are concerned..There has always been this selfish cabal throughout human history, and they always end up in power, and destroy and steal all we build..

    Ever wonder why..?

    Here’s a clue. Just wake up tomorrow in America.

  3. “After Colonial Pipeline’s quick notification to law enforcement, and pursuant to a seizure warrant issued by the United States District Court for the Northern District of California earlier today, the Department of Justice has found and recaptured the majority of the ransom Colonial paid to the DarkSide network in the wake of last month’s ransomware attack,” Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said on Monday during a press conference”

    Does anybody believe that shit anymore? I don’t. Not after the last four years. It’s just as likely that our IC stole the money just to create the disruption and blame Russia, and then look like tough guys handing it back.

    It seems like we are being herded and lied to by evil elites everywhere we turn. I could be wrong, though. But they are to blame for making me seriously consider that possibility.


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