18 Years Ago a Caller on CSPAN Suggested Fauci Resign Because He Was Ineffectual – IOTW Report

18 Years Ago a Caller on CSPAN Suggested Fauci Resign Because He Was Ineffectual


ht/ jerry manderin

9 Comments on 18 Years Ago a Caller on CSPAN Suggested Fauci Resign Because He Was Ineffectual

  1. A theory has been working in my brain for the past couple weeks.

    I think Fauci is the NIH’s patsy. He’s been there so long that everyone knows what makes him tick, and the first thing we’ve all noticed is he’s a very short man with an outsized need for attention and having his ego stroked. Those characteristics make it exceedingly easy to manipulate someone if you’ve a mind to. Also: his career in his field is mediocre despite his run at at least one other HUGE virus(?), AIDs.

    I think he’s authentically ignorant about the science of what he’s supposed to be an expert at.

  2. AA, I’ve had similar thoughts. Just haven’t verbalized them yet. But you’re probably way more right than wrong. Government bureaucrats behave like laboratory rats, once you study them you can predict their behavior.

  3. From Urban Dictionary

    Short Man’s Syndrome:
    An angry male of below average height who feels it necessary to act out in an attempt to gain respect and recognition from others and compensate for his abnormally short stature. Also synonomous to little man syndrome.

  4. Fauci will be the very last person to realize he’s been used. I believe he thinks that in the end there will be a bunch of guys (who are really behind all this) riding to his defense and rescue. Then he’ll be thrown in the fire by his ‘friends’. He’s the stupid wannabe in H.S.; every clique had one.

  5. Maybe Fauci’s response to AIDS was bungled, but it sure as hell looks as if his Covid response was by design — and if that can be proven, this slimy little fuck needs to be swinging from a gallows as a warning to crooked bureaucrats everywhere.

  6. The Amazing Polly on youtube pointed out more than a year ago what a fraud/crook fauciism china virus and his lil friends are. All of them should be sent to GITMO for the rest of their natural lives.

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