Unvaccinated West Point Cadets Forced to Live in a Single Tent – IOTW Report

Unvaccinated West Point Cadets Forced to Live in a Single Tent


We’ve seen numerous examples in recent weeks of medical, Jim Crow-style segregation in the United States.

Although prior examples revolved around public spheres for American citizens, these latest reports reveal the same treatment inflicted upon unvaccinated West Point cadets.

According to parents of cadets, those unvaccinated from the experimental COVID-19 jabs were forced to cram together in the same tent.

And this treatment will continue for the duration of summer training.

Despite roughly 97% of West Point cadets having received the experimental jab, theoretically achieving herd immunity, the commanding officers insist on the discrimination against those expressing their rights not to participate in a medical experiment.

In essence, it’s a de facto mandate and a violation of the Nuremberg Code. more

17 Comments on Unvaccinated West Point Cadets Forced to Live in a Single Tent

  1. “On tonight’s episode of The New Untouchables, Roger forgets his UNCLEAN sign one time too many, and hilarity ensues as he tries to outrun the Antifa Gang when they are sent to brand the scarlet “A” on his forehead!”

  2. I read where Bruce Springsteen and Foo Fighters are having concerts for only the jabbed…

    “Everybody’s Got an lnflamed Heart”

    “Smells Like Spike Protein Spirit”

    Yeah, I know, that’s Nirvana. Whatever. Nevermind.

    Oh yeah, some band called The Strokes is having a jabbed only show, too.

    “The Strokes”.. nuff said.

  3. …well, since the guys and the gals are interchangeable at West Point now, putting them close together in the same tent will probably mean that the nighly bivouac just got a whole lot sexier…

  4. Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention, “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not required for the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited.

    The “experimental” vaccine violates all 10 Nuremberg codes – which carry the death penalty for those who try to break these international laws.

    The virus was never isolated making the covid test moot. Since the covid test is moot, the “vaccine” is, in itself, illegal. You can’t mandate an unapproved jab.

  5. Since the “vaccinated” can’t contract the disease, it makes more sense to put the unvaccinated with them. By thinning out the unvaccinated herd among the vaccinated you’re lessening their chances of contracting the disease. Putting unvaccinated all together should be looked at as a death sentence (since contracting COVID = certain death) because if one of them gets the coof they all will end up getting it, which might be the point.

  6. Lol Funny thing about the band The Strokes. I do believe at least one of their members was or is addicted to opioid of the injection type. So, ya, they dig the jab

  7. /\/\/\ Whiskey Tango Foxtrot “No Sir”

    Sheesh. Hate to get a cootie with ONLY a 99.9% survival rate, and that is assuming you “get it”.

    They’re the smartest ones on the campus.

  8. I don’t get this…. since we know now that once your vaccinated you can still catch COVID from the medical reports from the CDC, WHO and now some cable media celebrities, why are vaccinated people scared of the non-vaccinated? Do they think that they are going to get a more deadly version than the normal way? COVID is COVID no matter where and who you got it from.


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