People have absolutely no clue as to why they are wearing a mask, for the most part it’s mindless liberal bullshit – IOTW Report

People have absolutely no clue as to why they are wearing a mask, for the most part it’s mindless liberal bullshit

22 Comments on People have absolutely no clue as to why they are wearing a mask, for the most part it’s mindless liberal bullshit

  1. Please remove the facial diaper, chin-bra, mask 😷 muzzle, or the useless excuse you have for wearing the
    ridiculous brainwashing scheme of the Commies.

    You look so stupid to the rest of us who are forced to look at you on a daily basis, bunch of dumbasses. 🤨

  2. Just be glad some of these ugly bee-aches are wearing masks. Imagine what we would have been spared from 2008 to 2016 if Michelle Obama was wearing a mask all the time?

    Now, if only Jill Biden will wear a muzzle.

  3. Most of the people he asked were pretty young. My theory is that they were groomed for the mask by the peanut allergy protocols which were put in place in elementary schools thirty years ago. They can’t help that they were brainwashed as children.

    I’m trying to be charitable here, I got nothing for the older dolts who should know better. And I hate the term “sheeple”, but what else is there to say?

  4. That’s because our so called education system has gone from critical thinking to critical race theory. These morons can’t even take a dump without somebody from the media telling them how.

  5. I went into a grocery store today and only two people were wearing a mask, a customer and a kid working there bagging groceries. The customer had a knitted or crocheted mask on over a paper mask and it was in the 90’s today with high humidity. She also wore it to her car. People were staying far away from the woman and I heard the lady in the line with the kid bagging groceries ask him if he’d gotten the shot, he said no that’s why he was wearing his mask. I rolled my eyes at the dumb shit. I told my daughter though that it kind of looks like more than us know about the shedding and assume if they’re wearing a mask they’ve gotten the shot.
    I guess I could be wrong and maybe the others had gotten their killer shot and think they’re safe.

    I honestly wished we had a rule those who have gotten it must continue wearing their masks so we know for sure who they are or must wear a scarlet V on their chest. lol

  6. this is our future … Oatmeal Brains

    “I’m signaling my virtue by wearing this mask …. ’cause I’m better than you!”
    “I believe the ‘science’, but when it disagrees with my virtue signaling, I don’t”
    “I’m so virtuous I’m getting the vaccine a second time … I can’t wait ’till the booster comes out!”

  7. There is a certain ethnic demographic here in Chicago who continues to wear the mask along with a hoodie in 85 degree weather. I’m tempted to give them a wide berth for my own safety and I don’t mean fear of disease. I hate that I have to feel this way

  8. A LOT of people, more so IMHO, are just going to double down and pretend they’re still keeping themselves and others “safe” instead of admitting they were lied to and now they feel stupid. Just admit it and be pissed off. It’s okay!

  9. How about a yellow star with a UV in red letters for all us taboo people? The company I’m working for is having stickers printed up if you’re vaccinated to put on your hard hat so you don’t have to wear a useless mask except while you’re in somebody’s house. Because there’s so many ignorant people getting vaccinated it would be easier just to do the yellow star thing. I fight back when I can and where I can. I see Pod People everywhere, they are immune from one thing, FACTS…
    I asked them if 150,000 people die every day in the United States from something, why is that number not changed if this virus was so deadly?
    Where have all the ordinary flu deaths gone since the virus, near zero? My brother said it was because people are wearing masks. I asked him why doesn’t it work on the China virus, he said it’s different.
    I guess the China virus is smarter than the flu virus?
    They just sit there with no good answer.

  10. I’ve got another theory, I think people are wearing masks because they like hiding behind it, people communicate things unintentionally with expressions on their face, this eliminates that.
    Also thugs don’t want to be ID.
    Witness to the cop- “he was wearing a hoodie and a mask.” Cop- Well, that should narrow it down.

  11. I’m getting tired of being called mindless, stupid or what ever. My husband has lung cancer and he taking treatments. His immunity is low right now. I wear a mask in the stores to keep from catching anything for him. I don’t know if it helps but if there is a slight chance I will wear it to hell and back no matter what I’m called.

  12. I’m sorry Peggy for what you guys are going through.
    But Masks don’t stop viruses, they help stop bacteria which in most cases may be able to help you. Prayers for your family.

    God bless.


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