Joe Biden and the imaginary drowning islands – IOTW Report

Joe Biden and the imaginary drowning islands

“That fool” Joe Biden is going to use this weekend’s G7 meeting to try to force Australia to cut its emissions, according to Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

15 Comments on Joe Biden and the imaginary drowning islands

  1. The world has “500 days to avoid climate chaos,” French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said alongside Secretary of State John Kerry at the State Department on Tuesday, May 13th, 2014; 2586 days ago.

  2. Funny how nobody is selling off any of their coastal property or that banks have not stopped the evil practice of issuing 30 year mortgages for oceanfront property, huh???
    Oh wait… I’m sure Jackass Joe can explain how water only rises around the islands…
    Hand me the phone, I’m calling BULLSHIT!

  3. @JConnors

    They can see from 6,000 miles away what too many Americans can’t see: that Bidet is a weak and stupid man and will do squat to stop the Red Monster, a big threat for the Aussies.

  4. I drop in to Sky News Australia every day or two, and it sure looks like they think Joey Biden is a loose fruit cake foggy. I don’t think they will care to hear his rants.

  5. Anonymous – Jackass Joe would totally fall for the old joke “take your pictures with the camera upside-down so that they will up upside-right when you get back to the States”

  6. In partial (but only partial) defense of Joe’s delusion: Note the amount of destruction, time and effort wasted, the cost of “Global Warming” (that hasn’t happened) since the impending Ice Age of the seventies (that didn’t happen). The AGW cabal’s dogmatic warming religion has, indeed, been a significant world disaster, a waste of resources and inhibition of progress fomented by a global elite who DO NOT, themselves, believe a word of it – palatial mansions, commercial ship sized yachts, flying jets to exotic locations like Rio, Monaco, Paris to talk about replacing – by force of international agreements (in Biden’s case, NOT submitted for Senate confirmation) – with impractical inefficient and costly boondoggles that have no effect on climate change and enrich with taxpayer subsidies special politically favored interests. Or nations, like China.


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