Apple pie is ‘racist’ and has ‘colonial roots’, claims columnist – IOTW Report

Apple pie is ‘racist’ and has ‘colonial roots’, claims columnist


Apple pies have been branded racist by a columnist who claimed the dessert had ‘bloody origins.’

Food writer Raj Patel said America’s favourite treat was linked to ‘a vast and ongoing genocide of indigenous people.’

He highlighted how the apple had been brought to the country by English colonisers who planted trees as ‘markers of civilisation.’

The sugar in the crust is linked to the slave trade in New Orleans while the gingham cloth the pie is traditionally left on to cool was culturally appropriated from Native Americans, according to Mr Patel.

The piece was published with little attention in the Guardian last month but has since blown up on Twitter, prompting yet another debate about ‘cancel culture.’

Apple pies have long been associated with American culture, with the phrase ‘as American as apple pie’ a common saying.

The backlash began with one person tweeting: ‘The “woke” #CancelCulture mob seeks to destroy everything that is American and/or good. Now going after Apple Pie.’


37 Comments on Apple pie is ‘racist’ and has ‘colonial roots’, claims columnist

  1. Like I said. They are intent, hell bent on remaking all of it. America has given them too much play ground. So where are we at now, birds plagued by white supremacy, male, female, don’t exist, shit that doesn’t even exist exists now, and on and on…Oh it will get more ridiculous. Judge for yourself.

  2. Hunter Biden can IM the word “nigger” 50 times a day, and that’s just fine. But an apple pie is what’s really fucking racist.

    Fuck all the democrat niggers and their phony ass racial sensitivity bullshit. They don’t give a rat fuck about the word “nigger”. It’s all left wing politics all the time. Too bad the fucking stupid ass GOP won’t figure that out.

  3. Personally, I’ve found that Granny Smith green apples make for a better pie. Red apples are for eatin’ and cider makin’.

    Honestly, just google Raj Patel. This is all he does. Paid to agitate.

  4. You know, paper is made from trees and chopping down trees is dangerous for the environment. So to save the environment, could they just print lists of what is NOT racist thereby saving paper and thereby saving trees and thereby saving the environment?

  5. Some one with a very large horse needs to dump some road apples on this jackass. And he should be shackled inside stocks in a public square and have rotten apples, rotten vegetables and other assorted trash and garbage thrown at him by irate citizens.

  6. All right, you wanker, let’s take a long, hard look at spotted dick (a/k/a spotted dog, railway cake). Ingredients…
    Suet — WHITE beef fat, and beef means methane farts
    Flour — Super WHITE
    Sugar — Also super WHITE, and “linked to the slave trade”
    Milk — Again super WHITE, again from farting cows
    Baking powder — Is there anything more super WHITE than this stuff?
    Raisins — How disgustingly insulting to have some paltry token ingredients of color embedded in a massive, overpowering sea of super WHITENESS.

    Oh. I see the wanker’s name is Raj Patel. Now I’ll have to go off on paneer. Your sacred Hindu cows fart, too, you asshole!

  7. Are blueberries offensive to blue people? How about blackberries? And are raspberries and strawberries offensive to red people? Do huckleberries piss off guys named Huck? And what about the dingleberries like this fool that isn’t even American.

  8. “geoff the aardvark June 10, 2021 at 11:09 pm

    Are blueberries offensive to blue people? How about blackberries? And are raspberries and strawberries offensive to red people? Do huckleberries piss off guys named Huck? And what about the dingleberries like this fool that isn’t even American.”

    Buttberries are worse than them. Don’t get me started on scuzz butts.

  9. Indians or even Native Americans is better than this indigenous shit.

    If apple pie is racist, then they shouldn’t be allowed to eat pies of any kind or apples.

    At some point folks are going to have realize the two sides can no longer live among each other, we need a divorce. Let them have part of the country, we get the other part and we build a huge wall guarded with big guns to keep them out.

  10. Raj Patel was born in Britain. That would not have happened without the British Raj. His parents and their offspring would have lived a miserable existence that began and ended in poverty and filth. That Raj Patel is today afforded the liberty and education (received a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE), from Oxford, and a master’s degree from the London School of Economics, and gained his PhD in Development Sociology from Cornell University in 2002) is wholly due to colonialism.

    Raj Patel worked at the World Bank, World Trade Organization, and the United Nations.

    I weep for his colonial oppression.

  11. @Fred

    That is a great way to put it;
    **** “America has given them too much playground.” ****

    These assholes have way too much time on their hands, not enough real struggle in their lives, and no real cause to protest.

    If the author gave a fuck he would be writing about how ChYna’s BIO-WEAPON & Military are Constantly Harassing India!

  12. What about Moon Pies? I think after the Treyvon Martin beat down Skittles and watermelon should be added to the items to be banned, due to them being liked by our African friends. Ah hell, why stop there? I feel really bad for Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben. Just a cardboard box with a black person on the front of it and it was deemed racists. Fried chicken and collard greens too – may as well.

  13. What is in the water, Ganges???, that these clowns drink? Every day another indian commie pops up. Damn, you’d think running all the Interstate motels, and donut shops, would keep them busy.

  14. I’m curious, when are all the BIPOC’s with the last names of White, Washington and Jefferson going to legally change them and disassociate themselves from the toxicity of malignant whiteness?

  15. Fred – – you are correct. Every social “justice” warrior is looking for anything American to criticize so he can get attention and kudos from his fellow virtue signalers. And the more ridiculous the more attention they get.


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