Democrats Are Finally Noticing That Ilhan Omar Is a Terrorist-Sympathizing, Anti-Semitic Loon – IOTW Report

Democrats Are Finally Noticing That Ilhan Omar Is a Terrorist-Sympathizing, Anti-Semitic Loon


Democrats Decide to Be Americans for a Moment

Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. I’m leading a jam-making and drum circle retreat this weekend. For myself.

Now that I’ve put that out in the universe that’s probably how my weekend is going to feel. It’s OK, a little weirdness can often be a good thing.

There are too many weeks where the news seems like it’s the same five stories over and over. Very few of them good, I might add. It’s kind of refreshing when the occasional bit of the unexpected shows up.

The Democrats are generally a hive mind. Dissension in the ranks isn’t tolerated over there in Dem Land, especially in the parts of it that are controlled by Nancy Pelosi. That’s why it has been a bit of a shock to see how much Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her Squad get away with.

Well, all but one of them.

Minnesota’s Ilhan Omar is so rabidly anti-Semitic that she prompted action by House Democrats to address it when she hadn’t even been in office for two months. Bear in mind that most Democrats have a fair amount of anti-Semitism coursing through them, so it has to be really over the top if they take offense.

The hateful terrorist sympathizer is at it again, going so far over the line that Granny Boxwine and Co. have had to respond.

Matt has the story:

On Thursday, senior Democratic leaders issued a unified statement denouncing comments made by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) earlier this week when she equated so-called “crimes against humanity” by the United States and Israel to “unthinkable atrocities” by the Taliban and Hamas.

Here’s what got the ball rolling:

8 Comments on Democrats Are Finally Noticing That Ilhan Omar Is a Terrorist-Sympathizing, Anti-Semitic Loon

  1. “Democrats Are Finally Noticing That Ilhan Omar Is a Terrorist-Sympathizing, Anti-Semitic Loon”

    …so what?

    …Dominion knows.
    …Dominion don’t care.

  2. It really matters that after these traitorous fascists screw their fellow citizens, they reflect on the fact that their new ‘allies’ would slit their throat at the first opportunity.

  3. The DEMONcrap “old guard” brought these dogs into the kennel, put collars on them and then sicced them on the electorate assuming they had a good handle on their leashes. Now that the dogs are turning on their leash holders, they are going to act like they are appalled at their behavior/ Give me a break. I hope these bitches get loose a eat everyone of them.

  4. Democrats Are Finally Noticing That Ilhan Omar Is a Terrorist-Sympathizing, Anti-Semitic LoonThat’s because Dems have been ordered to notice after being ordered not to until now.

    Why the change? And why now?


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