Watch: AG Garland Says the Justice Department “will scrutinize any post-election audits for evidence of voting law violations” – IOTW Report

Watch: AG Garland Says the Justice Department “will scrutinize any post-election audits for evidence of voting law violations”

15 Comments on Watch: AG Garland Says the Justice Department “will scrutinize any post-election audits for evidence of voting law violations”

  1. It’s called “lessons learned”. We won’t cheat in the ways those idiots did because they were clumsy. We’ll write that shit down and include it in the revised guidance for future elections.

  2. Soap Box, Ballot Box, Cartridge Box. We have had it rubbed in our face the first two do not work.

    I find it odd how many think we’ll fix everything with the next election. I suppose that is more comforting than the stark reality the third Box requires.

    People died to forge this nation. Many more have died to preserve it. Why do we think such measures are no longer required?

  3. Well then.
    Now the Obidumb DOJ is going to be weaponized to stop citizens from finding out anything. Try to any way. I think it’s too late for them to stop audits. If AZ alone is found to be full of fraud Biden lost. Period.
    CYA or what?

  4. Just another F___ing liar.
    United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
    Appointed by Bill Clinton
    Should tell you everything you need to know.


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