Slow Joe Not Keeping Up With Peers At G7 – IOTW Report

Slow Joe Not Keeping Up With Peers At G7


Yet is Biden doing ok there? From what has been trickling in, he’s allegedly having trouble keeping up with everyone. He’s reportedly not as attentive as Trump—and not even flashcards can save him. More

25 Comments on Slow Joe Not Keeping Up With Peers At G7

  1. All this treason is going to blow up in our faces if we don’t put a stop to this globalist insanity soon. This fraudster just might be the keys to the next crisis to put these assholes over the top in charge. Trump said our economy cannot handle these clowns, and will crap itself if they got back in.. On foreign policy, Biden is the worst you can have.

  2. Looks to me like he is urinating up against a brick wall. I wonder if he can even do that without fumbling and leaving a big wet spot on his drawers. Or, maybe the big wet spot is why he’s facing the wall.

  3. This is not really True.

    With Joe off taking a nap all 3 “bottoms” are finally matched evenly with their “tops” at the gangbang.

    Justine, Emanuella, & Angela can all pair up with the man without anyone getting spit roasted. Turdeau, was actually quite disappointed but somewhat consoled by the fact that Trump was not there to make him feel “unsafe”

  4. If we had even one Republican in D.C. that gives a shit about our country, they would use their soapbox to bring attention to the fact that this election was stolen, that Biden is illegitimate and that we must figure out how to fix it.

  5. Jill. Jill?
    Can we call a lid on this G 17 thing?
    What do you mean no?
    What do you mean this isn’t our team?
    Can Pelosi do it? The meeting things. God they go on forever.
    These people don’t lismen to her. Lister. Hang on, These people over here don’t have to listen to Nancy. Wow.
    So why do I have to listen to her if they don’t have to?
    Fine. Fine. Fine.
    Give the pills again, to stay awake. but I get to watch Bonanza Tonight on TV.
    Then what the hell do they have on TV over here?
    That’s not Football that’s Soccer and what country is UEFA?

  6. I’m so thankful that embarrassing orange man is gone! Have you notice his shoes too? Apparently he can’t wear dress shoes for long – watch the video of him wondering around until Jill calls him back – you can see he has on large white tennis shoes which reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer was mistaken for a special person wearing his trainers.

  7. We know Biden is not in charge of anything. We know his crazy wife thinks she Rasputin. We know Maoist psychos Anita Dunn and Susan Rice run our nation. We know a criminal named Wray runs the FBI. We know an addled psychopath name Garland runs the DOJ, and his second in command is a blm psychopath. We know our military is being purged of patriots and who is left is being indoctrinated with communist brainwashing. We know we can’t trust the Republican party as far as we can throw it.

    We can only trust the likes of Trump, De Santis, Cruz, Jordan, Gaetz, Rand Paul and the like.

  8. The pedo looks in a mirror and thinks he’s talking to another dude.

    He is so obviously enfeebled as he shuffles along like his brain won’t tell his feet where he’s going.

    This country is so screwed, a demented pedophile and 14yr old cackling harlot…

  9. @Anonymous June 12, 2021 at 4:14 pm –

    “…We know Maoist psychos Anita Dunn and Susan Rice run our nation…”

    Can we please stop giving ANY credit to Susan Rice (and Anita Dunn). She is an Obama flunkie – she is nothing more than a conduit for the Oblowme handlers to direct and implement their communist takeover.

    It really pisses me off when I hear someone say that Susan – Benghazi Killary/Obumphuk liar – Rice is calling the shots.

  10. Biden is truly incapacitated, my grandmother on my mom’s side had a form of dementia that looks alot like what is happening with Biden. She started out doing many of the things that Biden is doing, it took about 2-3 years & she was literally a prisoner in her own body. She could not speak, feed or take care of herself in any way. I have always despised Biden, but the people who trot this husk of a man out everyday should be prosecuted for elder abuse.

  11. @Redcat 66

    Sorry to hear about you grandmother. I’m certain she did not deserve dementia.

    Biden, however, deserves what seems to be happening naturally to him. He is a bigger pig at the trough than Bernie Sanders.

  12. Good one, Charlie WalksonWater
    BTW, “velcro” could be Xiden’s “Rosebud” momement sooner than later.
    With Xiden’s mental decline, he’ll soon forget all the death and destruction he’s cause, but “velcro” may be one of the few words his demented brain can retain.

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