White Leftist Bint on CNN Questions a Black Republican’s Values- Desperately Plays Laughable Video of Trump Trying to Prove He is Racist – IOTW Report

White Leftist Bint on CNN Questions a Black Republican’s Values- Desperately Plays Laughable Video of Trump Trying to Prove He is Racist

This is shameful in both its disrespect of a congressman and for the amount of falsehoods she packs into one segment.

She is disgusting.

8 Comments on White Leftist Bint on CNN Questions a Black Republican’s Values- Desperately Plays Laughable Video of Trump Trying to Prove He is Racist

  1. Why are there even black caucuses? Isn’t a “jobs” bill that’s good for Americans good for blacks as well? Aren’t tax reductions and lower regulations good for everyone? Is this a rising tide lifts all boats country or not?

    It’s time to end set asides and affirmative action as well.

    WTF good does this man think it does to try and present his views to this woman? Or to the CNN viewers? Don’t even think of changing minds, how many people tuned in even had an open mind.

    Finally, does the Congressman think he’s going to change the minds of the race pimps in the CBC? Give me a break. They’ve got a hustle playing off guilt and they’re getting rich. No one is going to upset their scam. They need blacks to think the white man will perpetually keep them down.

  2. She keeps saying that the election was legitimate. How could she know? The left and many lazy ( don’t want to make waves) Republicans have been saying that since day one after the election with no proof that it was legitimate! Not willing to explore the facts. Hypocrites all of them.


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