Watch: Our Idiot President Mumbles Something About the Queen Being Celibate – IOTW Report

Watch: Our Idiot President Mumbles Something About the Queen Being Celibate

34 Comments on Watch: Our Idiot President Mumbles Something About the Queen Being Celibate

  1. Remind me again how this incompetent fraud of a President got 81 million votes. 🤔

    This is more than embarrassing, I bet even the queen misses President Trump.

  2. I heard something that sounded like “celibate”, but the entire sentence was too mumbled, garbled and disjointed to know for sure. What a fuggin national embarrassment this empty vessel is. I weep for America. 😢

  3. Sigh.

    Biden was never elected President but the political mafia, which includes media, have forced this jackass upon us.

    We’ve been ratfucked and pigpiled.

    Forget it. I will go back to mowing, weeding, mopping and minding my own business.

    Next weekend is full frontal politics. Chris Plante, Sheriff David Clarke at the Virginia Freedom Festival.
    Look it up.

  4. Here is a Gateway Pundit version of that comment, in which you can (almost) clearly hear that he actually said “…I don’t think she would be ‘insulted but’, she reminded me of my mother…”. With “insulted but” sounding like, and being mistaken for, “celibate”, due to his garbled articulation.

    We – me included – need to be careful in furthering false information.

  5. Stirrin the Pot will play the role of Tokyo Rose this evening.

    What Jotato actually said was “FUCK THAT CRAZY BITCH AND HER MOTHER”. Clearly the Jotato needs to be removed from office. That’s the message we need to further.

  6. Really Burr? Tokyo Rose, Proper Gander? Me? I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it was a lame attempt at humor.

    And lest you doubt, I further the message that the dementia addled, CCP compromised, empty vessel, illegitimate POTATUS needs to be removed from office every chance I get.

    p.s. did you open the link and listen to the video?

  7. Make up your mind you sandal wearing goldfish tender.First you want to defend Jotato and now you want him gone. What’s your Japanese emperors game? Foist an obviously brain damaged old man on the American populace in order to spread his filthy yellow hands in our pristine American apple pie?

    No thank you Mr. Hirohito. Make mine America.

  8. I give up. You’re the guy who who called the cops on our senior prank because you thought it wasn’t fair to put a teachers car locked in the gym.

    Potman, using the tactics of the left against the left is politics 101. Why must you be the screen door on my submarine?

    I don’t want to listen to the tape. I don’t want to give the left the benefit of the doubt.

    All I want to do is enrage the left, mock the left. I want their houses burned and their minds broken. I want to see them on a death march to nowhere. I want to use their empty skulls as drinking goblets.

    Also, I want to see midget wrestling back on T.V.

    But mainly I want to use lefts tactics to destroy the left.

    Thank you for attending my TedX talk.

  9. I didn’t ask for this little tete-a-tete. You initiated it, calling me Tokyo Rose. You wanted to take me on. Why?

    And your assertion that you want to use the lefts’ tactics to destroy the left? Well, you;re using them on me and I aint the left.

  10. He looked strained and tight lipped when he was inspecting the guard.

    My Guess, trying really hard not to drop a wet deuce in his Kevlar lined diapers.

  11. The Queen just turned 95 recently & she still has the ability to think for herself. Biden would be in over his head against her even when he was still a younger man, as people have always said that he is the epitome of a pseudo-intellectual.


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