Justice Dept.’s top national security official resigning amid records seizures uproar – IOTW Report

Justice Dept.’s top national security official resigning amid records seizures uproar


John Demers will leave his position by the end of next week, a Justice Department official told The Associated Press on Monday. The official could not discuss the matter publicly and spoke to AP on condition of anonymity.

It comes as amid questions about what Demers knew about the Justice Department’s efforts to secretly seize the phone data from House Democrats and reporters as part of the aggressive investigations into leaks.

News emerged last week that the Justice Department had secretly subpoenaed Apple for metadata from House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and another Democratic member of the panel, California Rep. Eric Swalwell, in 2018, as their committee was investigating the former president’s ties to Russia. Schiff at the time was the top Democrat on the panel, which was led by Republicans.

The announcement of his resignation comes a day after Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Demers should appear before Congress voluntarily or face a subpoena to answer questions about the subpoenas, in addition to former attorneys general Bill Barr and Jeff Sessions.

Demers will be replaced by Mark Lesko, the acting U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of New York, the official said.


5 Comments on Justice Dept.’s top national security official resigning amid records seizures uproar

  1. Who the hell trusts anything our once leaning now crooked government has to say about anything. There’s never any accountability unless they can damage a political opponent. Sheep might repeatedly fall for they stories but no one with 2 or 3 brain cells.

  2. (Smacks forehead)

    Remember it was Schiff who was leaking the Mueller investigation stuff?! Remember that! He was the only one who could have and he was NEVER called before Congress to explain himself!! It was right and proper for the DoJ to look at his phone records. And now the FAUXTUS is trying to hang that around Trump’s neck, too.

  3. Don’t we all remember that schiff got gulianni and nunes phone records?

    That was ok, but this is not?

    How fking long are we going to put up with this horseshit?


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