Michigan Supreme Court Rules Emergency Powers Act Must Be Repealed – IOTW Report

Michigan Supreme Court Rules Emergency Powers Act Must Be Repealed

Michigan Supreme Court Rules Emergency Powers Act Used By
Democrat Governor Whitmer Must Be Repealed

Stillness in the Storm – Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, more than most governors, really stretched the limits of her power during the coronavirus lockdowns, and now she is learning that her power has limits.

The Michigan Supreme Court ruled this week that the Board of State Canvassers has to certify an initiative to repeal the Emergency Powers of Governor Act, The Detroit Free Press reported.

That means that once the board acts on the court’s order, the Republican-controlled Legislature can repeal the law with majority votes in each chamber, and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer will be unable to veto the measure.

The order gave no breakdown on what position each justice took on the question, but there was no dissent accompanying the order, suggesting the decision was unanimous…

Whitmer used the 1945 law extensively to issue emergency orders related to the coronavirus pandemic until Oct. 2, when the Michigan Supreme Court struck down the law as an unconstitutional ceding of legislative power to the executive branch of government.

Although the law is no longer in effect, Democrats want to keep it on the books, apparently in the hope that the Michigan Supreme Court might reverse the October decision. The makeup of the court has shifted since then, from a 4-3 majority for Republican nominees to a 4-3 majority for Democratic nominees.

“The court has it exactly right — the Board of State Canvassers had a clear legal duty to certify what was obvious, that we had collected far more signatures than required,” Unlock Michigan spokesman Fred Wszolek said. Unlock Michigan was the group the sponsored the petition drive.

The Emergency Powers of Governor Act gave Gov. Whitmer near dictator like powers and used them in that way. But predictably, Democrats are furious about the decision of the court.


My brother, Jason, sent me a list of states that are now fully opened. Michigan, of course, is not. But what I found strange is that Minnesota IS fully opened now. Here is where he got the information.

8 Comments on Michigan Supreme Court Rules Emergency Powers Act Must Be Repealed

  1. If she stretched her vaginal lips (with hubby’s help) a little more, she wouldn’t be acting like a sexually frustrated psychopath looking to share her misery upon innocent people. Shades of Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama….

  2. Guv Whitmer has stretched the limits of her power, but she is not the extreme. Take a look at California. Both have radical lib in both the state house and senate and have allowed the guvs to do whatever they want with no pushback. or Colorado. Whitmer happened to run into a middling court.

    Just my opinion. I do live in Colorado, but am looking at moving. It may happen, it may not. I do hope that enough of the left coast libs that have moved here because they have screwed up their previous state have realized that they are wrong, but, CO has moved to the blue category, so I am not hopeful.

    If you know of any nearby states (Wyoming, Utah, NM, Montana, etc) and know of any areas that I should look at, please let me know!!

  3. In my lifetime Michigan has been a unique state. Blue due to the automotive and teacher’s unions. Red due to the mid-west mentality. Our senators have been more Democrat than Republican and the governors have been 50/50. After this past year though, I wouldn’t be surprised to see most, if not all, shift red.

  4. Gretchen is an amateur. The Oregon Supreme Court gave Kunt Brown the green light to violate Oregon law and the Oregon and US constitutions. If you are going to violate the people’s civil rights, you first have to stack your state’s courts with your cronies! That’s corruption 101.


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