Tucker Carlson Wants To Know How Many CNN Pundits Live Near Section 8 Housing While They Call White People Racists – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Wants To Know How Many CNN Pundits Live Near Section 8 Housing While They Call White People Racists

9 Comments on Tucker Carlson Wants To Know How Many CNN Pundits Live Near Section 8 Housing While They Call White People Racists

  1. I sold life insurance for a very short while in late 1994. The guy who trained me was a big Polish guy, built like a tight end. His beat was South Central L.A. so that’s where we went on several occasions. Once we were driving to a home, in front of the house next door were a half-dozen young guys hanging out in the driveway. ‘Hello officer!’ they said. We kept going. Another time we pulled up to the address and realized we were in the projects. We just skipped that one. Once drove through Florence & Normandy and he pointed it out. Reginald Denny – say his name! That had only been a couple of years earlier.

  2. People will always buy a house in the whitest neighborhood they can afford – even that BLM scrunt shaking down all those corporations that supposedly hates white people. That never changes.

  3. Tucker buries the lead at the end of the show. Guest, Peter Schiff, asserts that if the Consumer Price Index, (i.e. inflation,) were calculated based on the same mix of goods as in the 1970s, then the true inflation rate felt at the cash register by an average consumer would be over 10%. Schiff claims that the second half of 2021 will be worse than January through June. That prankster, Claus, (AKA Marooned,) recommends hoarding popcorn.


  4. Liberals flee black areas, run for office, claim the area is too white and import African illegals.
    I’ve watched it happen in Maine.
    Liberals ruin every place they invade.


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