Austin Newspaper Refused to Release the Description of the Alleged Killer The Police Just Found – Now We Can See Him – IOTW Report

Austin Newspaper Refused to Release the Description of the Alleged Killer The Police Just Found – Now We Can See Him

If He Killed Another on the Lam Would the Paper Feel Any Remorse?

Any newspaper that withholds the description of a dangerous criminal at large is worthless.

They say releasing a description would put innocent people at peril. Wouldn’t that be true of any description released?

28 Comments on Austin Newspaper Refused to Release the Description of the Alleged Killer The Police Just Found – Now We Can See Him

  1. He ain’t black.
    He’s kinda deep chocolate-colored – maybe with overtones of caramel – but he sure as hell ain’t black.

    Let me guess – Amish? Redneck? Christian Fundamentalist? NRA Member? Conservative?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “If He Killed Another on the Lam Would the Paper Feel Any Remorse?”

    Hell no. They simply have no room for anyone except themselves. f it doesn’t affect them personally their “empathy” and “compassion” is insincere at best and more likely than self serving. It is virtue signaling at it’s absolute worst.

  3. That photo has gotten about 1/100th the coverage on the major media twitter accounts than the white guy in Florida who punched an Asian guy whose kids wouldn’t stop petting his dogs after he repeatedly asked them to stop. With the white guy, his name and home town were spread coast to coast on the day of his arrest. And the feds jumped in with the “hate crime” charges the next day.

    The insane global corporate fascist ruling class realizes that they can’t achieve their goals without relegating whites to untouchable status while simultaneously elevation idiot, psychotic blacks to Brahmin status. It’s a mad house now because of it.

  4. Racists abound !
    At first I thought it could be a White Mexican, I mean it is Texas.

    But, this is plain to see.
    He’s a semi-dark White Guy who has appropriated a black hair style. Kinda like Shaun King being born a poor black child.

    Shame on Austin’s progressive newspapers for not telling us he was a white guy all along.

  5. I bet he wears his pants down around his ass letting the others know he’s available. I wanna hear him squeal like a pig when he meets Cletis his cell mate. First thing handed to “pants on the ground” is a bar of soap from Cletis. Cletis will show “pants on the ground” just how BLM in prison.


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