Watch: Camera Catches Biden “Cheat Sheet” Which Reminds Him To Blame Trump For Everything – IOTW Report

Watch: Camera Catches Biden “Cheat Sheet” Which Reminds Him To Blame Trump For Everything

24 Comments on Watch: Camera Catches Biden “Cheat Sheet” Which Reminds Him To Blame Trump For Everything

  1. Obama is clearly pulling the strings as he did nothing but bad mouth Republicans and the US when he went overseas.
    Now he and Susan Rice have Biden scripted to do the same to Trump and his supporters.
    What a douche nozzle.

  2. @ jellybean JUNE 15, 2021 AT 3:15 PM

    Not hardly. They think it is cute or funny or smart to deliberately, systematically, wantonly and gratuitously engage in acts that increase innocent human suffering, misery and death.

    If it sounds like I am going beyond what I have personally witnessed them talking among each other about…. you haven’t been paying attention.

  3. There are two things to note:
    1. Beiden needs the crib sheets
    2. The Dems need everyone to accept and believe in what they preach. Even if you do not agree. Can you say dictatorship / communism / socialism?

    I do not agree with you @beachmom. It is not Obama. It is the puppetmasters like Soros who are behind the scenes. Are Biden / Harris / whoever respoinsible? I do not think so. I think it the globalists like Soros, who are pulling their strings

  4. That piece of shit doesn’t have what it takes to operate a toilet plunger and hand a guy a clean hand towel. You show me any unaccomplished piece of shit and I will show you someone who continuously and everlastingly projects their failings onto others… every Goddamned time.

  5. So the DOJ is going to reflect the values and principles of The Big Guy, a documented liar, election cheat, and machine politician. At least he’s honest about this.

  6. Democrats would go to all the trouble of stealing an election just in order to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death. That is what they are fundamentally dedicated to. Anyone with any functioning powers of observation and logic recognizes that America is the best chance suffering masses have ever had to escape innocent suffering, misery and death the world has ever seen.

    That is exactly what motivates their hatred for America.

  7. He has all the words handed to him on a silver platter and still he brainfarts

    BTW, everybody catch that 10 second stretch of cognitive constipation the other day?

  8. This is a fake!

    The real one says,”It’s not a fart, Stay Clenched.”
    Stay Clenched.
    Stay Clenched.
    Just 5 more minutes, Stay clenched.

  9. Trump was so good and they are bad he will be forever in their heads. I’d rather it be that then them running off on their own laurels. Neither Obama nor Biden can make or build anything for themselves. It’s like they think they are loss mitigation specialists to correct Trumps disaster and they don’t realize how successful the Trump administration was even when handicapped by the evil democrats.

  10. In office, out of office or dead, President Trump was so successful that he will live on as their go-to Boogie Man for everything they fcuk up for generations to come!!

  11. Biden has been optimized to be The Manchurian Candidate
    To that end, he must work to fulfill their Beijing mandate

    The destruction of America appears to be President Biden’s goal de jure
    The humiliation and annihilation of America makes his motives pure

  12. Kcir – Gain of Function Biological CCP Weapon,

    Biden HAS to let ‘er rip. If he doesn’t, that fart will travel up his spine into his brain…and THAT is how he gets these shitty ideas.

  13. Republicans could impeach the bastard right now over the border alone if they had any balls. They should go for impeaching him and Kamaltoe. Then go after Nancy.
    Four years of this bullshit and we’re done.


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