Biden Bows to Iran in Vienna and Takes the Sausage – IOTW Report

Biden Bows to Iran in Vienna and Takes the Sausage

Why don’t the democrats just say, out loud, that they want Israel blown out of existence? Even while they maintain that the U.S. is an ally, they are, at the very least committed to the idea of Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. At worst, they lift sanctions on the countries that will spend as much as they can on ways to push Israel into the sea.

Trump is out. Israel, inexplicably, ousted Netanyahu. And the dems are in, with their cockamamie middle-east policies.

How are the crazies in control?


While Biden envoys give away the store in Vienna, Iran escalates the conflict.

While there are still issues remaining to be negotiated, at this rate the remaining gaps between the two countries’ positions are expected to be closed “within a matter of weeks.”

…given the history of negotiations between Democratic administrations and Iran, in addition to the tough line that the regime has taken on refusing to commit to more intrusive monitoring of its facilities or to cease its support for terrorism, there’s little doubt that the “progress” has again been the result of American surrenders. There’s equally little doubt that there will be nothing in whatever it is that comes out of Vienna this summer that will commit Tehran to renegotiate a pact whose already weak restrictions will expire by the end of the decade.

Last week, it was reported that the United States was already beginning to lift some of the sanctions imposed on Iran by former President Donald Trump during his “maximum pressure” campaign that brought the regime’s economy to a standstill. While the administration claimed that there was “absolutely no connection” between the dropping of sanctions and the talks in Vienna, if you believe that then you’ll believe anything. President Joe Biden’s diplomatic flacks say he wants to be “reasonable” with the Iranians, which is an open invitation to Tehran to hold its ground on any and all outstanding issues, and simply wait for the Americans to cave in the way they did during the talks that led up to the original nuclear deal.

If there were any doubts about whether these talks are being conducted in a different spirit than the ones between the Obama administration and Iran from 2013 to 2015, look beyond what’s going on behind the scenes in Vienna or even the lifting of sanctions in Washington. What else is going on in Iran while American diplomats are boasting to their new “media echo chamber…


8 Comments on Biden Bows to Iran in Vienna and Takes the Sausage

  1. Netanyahu is out because they not only have a Parliamentary system, they also have proportional representation.

    That means that any whack-job party makes any kind of showing gets seats in the Knesset. Netanyahu had a coalition government which meant his part had to work with other parties to stay in power. If those other parties changed their minds then Netanyahu was out. It does not necessarily mean that the parties had to work with the whack-jobs, it just meant that Netanyahu did not have a majority working with him and the PM seat was up for grabs.

    I am not a fan of the Parliamentary process, although I do recognize that it is much better than an uncontrollable royalty.


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