ASSHOLE-in-chief says a police officer was murdered in the Capitol on January 6th – IOTW Report

ASSHOLE-in-chief says a police officer was murdered in the Capitol on January 6th

The only person murdered was Ashli Babbit.

When is Bidumb going to be fact-checked? And made to correct himself??

11 Comments on ASSHOLE-in-chief says a police officer was murdered in the Capitol on January 6th

  1. Biden hasn’t met a lie he didn’t like, particularly when it goes with the false narrative of white extremists and increasing division between Americans.

    The only death directly attributed to the events of January 6th was Air Force Veteran Ashli Babbitt.

    Veteran Ashli Babbitt served as a high-level security officer throughout her time in Air Force, serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2014, Ashli was deployed to southwest Asia, highlighting that it was her eighth deployment.

    She was needlessly and brutally murdered. Was the American Flag draped over her shoulder perceived offensive, aggressive or a threat of life?

    The cowardly shooter must face justice for Ashli’s Murder. Where are the outcries of our Representatives and Senators about this senseless and cowardly murder of a defenseless Veteran?

  2. For ******’s sake, back when I was younger, during the hippie riots of the 1960s, officers would have used a night stick to give a hickory shampoo to whomever needed it. But an unarmed woman gets shot in the neck? Joe Bite-Me says that “white supremacists” are the biggest threat. Bullsh*t. The United States federal government is the biggest domestic threat. THEY are the real enemy!


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